006 | Those Unseen Pains..

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" those unseen pains "
━━━ ༻ CHAPTER SIX ༺ ━━━

          NO MATTER HOW FAR AWAY he walked, his mother's desperate, pained screams would not stop haunting his mind. Anakin's been on Anope for two whole weeks now, two good weeks of adventure, of a rare taste of peace, but ever since they've entered the Dymorian Mountain region, about two days ago, nightmares plagued his nights ashen with cold sweats and crippling fear for his mother. 

It was the strangest sort of suffocation. The sort he could almost compare to a slow and agonizing torture because it happened when he's almost gotten used to feeling Heaven. Far away from the Republic, from the Senate, from the Order, he's been reunited through Eden and this planet with that innocent curiosity that set him off on the path of the Jedi, the spark which lured him in the first place to trust in the Force. 

After leaving the Great Anopian Desert, they've traveled to places which made him grateful that Obi-Wan has sent him off on this journey. They've seen the Ayrr Sands washed over by the Nagoyne Ocean, felt the salt charged with vibrancy, the glows of seaweed dancing between the waves. They've reached the Felnach Chasms and passed through all its Zeffonian effigies, miracles of architecture and study of the Force. Across the rusty savannah of the Taunwood Plateau, they've slept amongst ruins, meditate with ghosts of bygone civilizations defying time and watched the stars in an awakened forgetfulness of the physical world... But then their path led up the peaks of the Dymorian Mountains, towards the Gihec temples and everything went wrong since. 

Each temple they visited came with a trial that has obviously been picked in the approved itinerary by Emissary Lanshee in order to help solve the issue that Obi-Wan claimed Anakin had upon the arrival on Anope. Anakin desperately wanted to believe these nightmares and misfortunes were just another test through which he'd have to soldier through in order to reach the final destinations which promised immense beauty like the Kaay Glacier or the Dileex Jungle and its red colored waterfalls.

He prayed to all the sacred energies on that planet it was not his own destructive nature that was coming of the shell, seeking to ruin the warmth he found there. Not now, he begged even during that morning's walk, after yet another failed attempt at having a good night's sleep in a Gihec temple. Everything was going so great, please not now.

If it were up to him, he would leave the mountains right that instant. He would take the shortest path to the bottom of those peaks that brought him closer to the galaxy out there, past the lilac sky and further, it seemed, from the calming energies the planet's held so far. He would run away from these Gihec ruins and tombs, if only it were up to him. But pride is a dangerous tool, often betraying its master; Anakin could not bring himself to tell Eden that he's been feeling drained by this part of her planet. He could not bring himself to admit one such weakness and thus, sleepless for a third dawn, he bites down on bitter worries and paranoia, a stone cold fear grasping his spine like whip, and he walks it off the best he can.

The Gihec people were supposedly one of the first settlers on Anope, having arrived on the planet before its upper atmosphere formed its Force tunnels, before even the ocean retreated and left room for land. Forced to live on peaks with rare oxygen, in chilling weather now pricking at Anakin's cheeks to turn them red from the most minimal effort, the architecture of the Gihec temples in study of the Force were at best rudimentary in comparison with the grandeur of the Zeffonians or even that of the old desert temple. Raw blocks of stone with hard edges constituted the height of their craftsmanship, thus making not the beauty of their settlement the focus of their worth, but the power they've channeled in their forgotten times and left residue of in the sky and in the mountain itself.

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