010 | Seeing Our Soldiers Off..

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" seeing our soldiers off "
━━━ ༻ CHAPTER TEN ༺ ━━━

          HER BARE FEET WERE ANKLE DEEP in the wave stirred sand of the Ayrr Sands shoreline. The Nagoyne Ocean roared in a continuous and rhythmic movement stirring forward white foam pearling under the lilac of the sky and the brightness of Endia shinning down on the beach. Far ahead, in the restless horizon, dancing seaweed made the ocean glow from within on a deep and wild green, while its surface carried the refraction of diamonds in its salinity, shimmering like a cluster of stars. That salt stuck to Eden skin rather religiously, its abrasiveness anchoring her firmly into focus for hours on end, until she could not feel her feet as more than an extension of the fluidity of the ocean whose Force she was learning to mirror.

The Emissaries found the ocean to be the clearest embodiment of the fine line defining balance in the Force. The calm without rest, the cradle of life that can harbor death, the unbiased and the neutral whose strength of conviction could virtually never be achieved by any organic being. This giant of raw energy served at the second to last lesson the Emissaries have sanctified as the body of knowledge of the Force for the current year, marking the last mandatory lesson Eden had to learn before being fully granted the High Emissary distinction and the freedom to retreat to any corner of Anope to dedicate herself to the study of any branch. 

Controlling the massive Force behind the existence of an ocean was, to some extent, very similar to many of the previous lessons canonized by Emissary studies of the Force. Once more their teachings affirmed that trying to tame anything to a singular will was not going to be as successful as coercing a new rhythm similar to the one the force of nature was already familiar with. At her level however, she had no master to nudge her in the right direction and before she was called back to the Omni Sanctuary to guide Anakin Skywalker, Eden's already spent months on the Ayrr Sands trying to figure out how she could calm to an apparent stagnation a whole ocean. The ultimate goal was understanding the entirety of philosophy which defined the Force, because once that was clear, she could maneuver her knowledge into innovation and leaving behind something of significance for the generations of Anope to come. 

Or so was the fate of a High Emissary. 

She has returned to the ocean merely a week ago with a wound not only incapacitating her right arm, but also staining her very conviction of belonging to that fate. What it did not affect however was the undeniable connection fate established for her with the Force. It was a connection without which she could not phantom existence of self or reality, thus making it entirely uncanny to witness the ignorance in the galaxy towards that which she has not lived a single moment of her life without. No matter her defeat of free will, she was aware she could never change her nature: even in her most lonesome moments, the Force was there for her, as loud as it could ever get.

Perhaps it was the irony of the universal balance, giving her the truest bond with this energy that binds everything, but taking away that freedom which binds organic beings to others of the same plane. For that matter, she considered herself a better example now than the ocean itself of what balance really looked like in this world: power demanded weakness to match. 

On the premise of that last thought and how it implied that her great weaknesses meant an equally great power laid within her still, Eden committed to mirroring the breathing of the ocean. In that connection stage she delved into and merged with, she looked as merely a ghostly illusion soaking into the heavenly light, an enchantment of the sea and a true sight to behold, yet one that ultimately made Anakin gulp nervously to have to face again. 

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