017 | The Beauty of the Risk..

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" the beauty of the risk "

          SHE TOOK A RISK. WHEN she spoke the way she did in front of the High Council, Eden was painfully aware of the enormous risk she placed herself in the firing range of. Should the sky fall upon her because of her radical truth being given voice, she'd face the worst penalty most likely; should the heavens be merciful instead, the grace would rain over into a better world, closer to her dreams than anything else has ever been. That was the deal about risks: the higher the risk, the greater the promised reward.

Six more paces fell into a matching rhythm with Eden's distracted, dragged walk down a side hallway of the Jedi Temple, leading towards the hangar bay area where she was expected to arrive on time. "Slide it up, my lady," Clue gave her the hint from behind her. 

On his voice's cue, Crusher, walking to Eden's right, reached down at her wrist and slid up the screen of the device on her wrist that she's been fiddling with for a couple of hours now. Beneath his touch, now leaving the surface, the screen lit into a pulsing red, sending bursts of shivers across her skin as if a soft wind passed narrowly all around her. Curious to see how the device would look fully operational, Clue almost broke formation under the urge to speed up and walk right behind Eden.

The 27th Squadron has been given a new mission following the verdict of Eden's trial, two months ago. Their defensive post in Anopian orbit has been filled with a replacing unit, while their new orders have decorated their shoulder plates with a golden stripe: Political Escort. Only Eden was no politician; the Squadron Ghost, as often addressed via their com links whenever their accompanying duty walked them way outside the Temple, has managed to convince the Jedi High Council that change was well overdue, thus earned herself the new -and arguably controversial, if one was ever to listen to the Senate gossip- rank of High Emissary Advisor. 

Her right to return to Anope has been revoked. That along with not knowing the technicality of the actual location of her planet was, in Eden's opinion a tremendously small price to pay for the freedom she felt she has earned through her deliberate risk taken. It wasn't a perfect life, these past two months proved, but it was a life which made a difference, more so than she ever could have by remaining stranded alone on a planet no one cares about. 

The very air in the Jedi Temple stood as the first proof that being an Advisor was the right path. Though slowly, the Force was returning to its glorious vibrancy and its presence was not only palpable to those sensitive to it, but also visible for even the untrained eyes: the Meditation Gardens were growing out of their containment shells, the tall columns of the hallways were luscious with thinly twisting vines, catching flower, and of course light itself lingered in the air until way past the sunset sunk behind the horizon of Coruscant.

So what if every single rule still applied to her? Eden was not allowed into a Jedi position and she was refused the right to hold any weapon or partake into the violence of a battle directly, thus forbidding her from engaging into combat and being responsible for destruction to any recognized life form, despite however being entrusted with her advising following Jedi Masters on field for prompt correction and balancing reminders. 

Openly recognizing her vulnerability, immediately after naming her an Advisor and listing her additional duties, the Jedi Council gave the 27th Squadron their new orders: where Eden goes, they will follow. It was the better choice, they justified, as compared to constantly passing her safety between Jedi Masters who would then have to take from their own battalion's power to ensure that she won't be forced to defend herself in battle and thus go against the Emissary code of violence. 

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