009 | Many Worlds Away..

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" many worlds away "
━━━ ༻ CHAPTER NINE ༺ ━━━

          IT WAS TOO FAMILIAR. The slow awakening of the senses, the bright light flooding in blurred whilst the ringing in her ears faded into a deafening silence merely sectioned by the breeze pushing through the open balcony doors. It was so familiar it made her skin crawl. This slow rejuvenating of all her appreciation of reality came at the frightening cost of total numbness. She's been there before stuck in a bed, opening her eyes to another day without being able to move her body, remaining in freight that a moment will come in which the Seer will return for her. 

Not again, Eden's mind cried out the second consciousness was restored. 

Panic stuck in her throat like a rock had just been shoved in there. In response to the suffocation, she pushed herself to sit up, refusing the fate the Seer inflicted upon her years ago and which her hazed mind now blurred with the present. She was merely six years old when that witch pushed her down the stairs of the Omni Sanctuary, pinning her to a bed for almost two years. She was six years old and chasing butterflies when she learnt the bitter taste of pain and cruelty.

Sitting up successfully eased only half her panic. Between rugged breaths rejecting the idea of a more controlled state, Eden reached out her left hand and pulled aside the blanket. Her hand clasped down on her bare knee and only when she felt the sting of her desperately violent grip did she at last sigh out, relaxing her shoulders. That sudden drop and hunching of her posture sent a jolt of pain down her right arm, forcing Eden to not only hiss, but also move her attention to the limb carrying the real injure. At last, the final wall of difference between the past and the present was formed and she was returned to her consciousness of memory.

Her right arm was bandaged from elbow down to her hand which, though she could painfully feel, she could barely move without tears threatening to pour out of her eyes. The pain was still way over her bearable limit, perhaps because, by bringing her left hand's caress over to the bandage, a mere touch revealed to her in detail the feeling that a bone was broken and any rapid movement, with her luck in physiognomy, could end up with that fracture bursting out through her skin. 

She groaned. 

Several gaps remained unfilled in what she did start now to remember. For once, she hadn't a clue how she actually got back all the way to the Omni Sanctuary, in her room. She could recognize Cay Lanshee's handiwork on the bandage fragrant in incense, but she couldn't exactly recall being taken care of by him. Everything after Anakin cut off the Seer's arm was pretty much nothing but a blur too closely mixed with the void.

"Anakin...," Eden let his name roll off her tongue. It untied her mind from the phased dream of an abrupt awakening and lifted her attention to the empty room. Between the hieroglyphs on the walls nothing changed: she was alone.

In such solitude, there was truly very little else to conclude but that Anakin has either been allocated a different, more capable guide to finish his work on Anope or he rejoined amongst the other padawans of the Jedi Order, worlds away from her. Neither of those options were comforting because for both of them Eden knew something she treasured had to end and die. She knew this pain of separation was imminent perhaps as soon as their night by the dunes. Being knowledgeable of the ending changed in no way how real everything she allowed herself to feel for the past weeks had been and she knew for a fact that had they spent the rest of the month together, perhaps the farewell would have been easier to swallow.

The ending of that beautiful dream she fooled herself with beside Anakin instead ended on a short notice dripping of unfairness. She didn't even get to say good bye... Doubt proposed the idea that she never will.

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