031 | Time is Running Out..

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" time is running out "

          "IT'S JUST THE SILLIEST," Eden muttered in a completely ragged shortness of breath, "most amazing thing ever. Isn't it?" Her eyebrows perked upwards, creasing her forehead in the gentle waves of wonder; as faint as the innocence gracing her features across which danced the shimmering lights of the city opening ahead of her wide and curious eyes, her voice was that of a silver bell's clicking, a ringing too thin to be an alarm, and too angelic to be just an instrument thrown in a song's background choir. With childlike adoration alive in her smile, Eden had latched herself onto the curtains she had pulled in eagerness aside to reveal the open doors to a large balcony, standing just a little above the lusher of cities Ninirly had to offer, on the short notice of a roaring sound.

It was raining.

"One moment the city buzzed with music and chatter," she spoke out her most enthralled thoughts, unfiltered by the bias of a grasp on reality, looking up into the dark skies where clouds tested her imagination to fill in the blanks of their gray swirls, "then the sky broke and the clouds started crying and all that noise's been silenced instantly." The rain poured, turning the whole city into its puddle within minutes. Their very balcony was leaking under the sky's screens of raindrops washing it clean. Though mesmerized by this act of nature, Eden dared not step underneath the shower of the heavens; she remained on that very edge of the room, holding to dear life onto the curtains as if well aware her reasoning may slip at any second and she may forget her skin's frailty and even the rules of politeness towards their host for a quick rush of sensation.

She could not, however, deny herself the curiosity, which is why her left hand stuck out into the rain. Turning her palm ever so slowly, Eden studied the taps of the cloudburst on her skin, the coldness of its kisses. "Like everything wants to listen to the rain," she hummed, hugging her damp hand back to her chest and turning around with half a step. Her eyes refused to part ways with the sight of rain, so she leant her head back onto the curtain, making it her trusty pillow of fine fabric, into which her sighs could be hidden.

"Had it rained during the day, there would have been a good chance for you to see a rainbow too."

"A what?" Eden's interest had been hooked by Anakin's words spoken from besides the bedside lamp, deeper inside the room. Finally, she was given a worthy reason to look away from the spectacle of nature whose white noise she was falling in love with by the second; some distant part of her soul had met rainy weathers once before, in a time beyond the days she could remember, and missed them since. The other part carried rain as a symbol of memory as defined in emotion as the wooden soldier she placed beside the lamp in a now lack of pockets.

"A rainbow," Anakin repeated and though he was standing with his back towards her, Eden could hear the smile in his voice so clearly that its image flashed before her eyes and warmed her cheeks until she surely had to bring her left hand around the curtains too, just in case all that heat might climb up to her head and give her a good shiver of sweet recalling of her greatest weakness' charm. "All the colors shine across the sky right after a good rain, as long as light passes through the humid atmosphere in a certain way. It's quite the sight. Or to see rain clouds turn day into night within minutes..."

"They can do that?" Eden gasped ever so softly. 

"We'll stay here for a while," Anakin sighed, his hands shifting down the jacket of his new uniform in an attempt to even out any of the creases leftover from tying up the upper buttons and the waist belt, "so I am sure we'll get to see all that storm clouds have to offer." It felt strange to wear the uniform of a Captain, not of a Jedi, not of a clone, but that of a man whose loyalty to the Republic ran so deep he enlisted and soared the military ranks for it. "Ninirly is a very humid planet, you know. It's a constant rain season in places like this." 

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