Chapter 1 - Coffee Cup

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On a typical Monday morning, Jennie set off on her usual morning walk to her favorite coffee shop that had become her haven in the middle of hectic city living. This coffee shop was more than just a place to satisfy her caffeine cravings, it's a place where she could take a pause from her busy life and indulge in the simple pleasure of sipping a steaming cup of coffee before starting her day.

Clad in a classic yet effortlessly chic outfit, she strides purposefully through the busy sidewalk. Her tailored hip-length nude blazer drapes perfectly over her shoulders, accentuating her frame with its clean lines, sleeves are rolled up giving a relaxed yet sophisticated vibe, and her deep-neck mini dress hugs her curves in all right places and highlights her gold necklace that subtly sparkles against her skin. Jennie's outfit oozes modern sophistication, showcasing her effortless elegance. The subtle glow on her cheeks was achieved with just the right amount of makeup, highlighting her natural beauty without overpowering it. Head turns, eyes linger on her as she makes her way to the coffee shop, confident and self-assured, shades on, with a subtle smile playing on her lips.

Her wavy brunette hair bounced gently against the back of her shoulders as she walked, creating a rhythmic motion to the sound of her heels clicking against the pavement in perfect sync with her steps, giving out calm and quiet confidence. But little did everyone know... beneath that composed demeanor, Jennie's mind was occupied with the upcoming meeting they had been preparing for months. Wondering what could be done to convince that elusive chef to collaborate with them. Above all that, she was really looking forward to finally meeting him in person, the person that she had never seen or met before but had the power to make her mind race with anticipation and excitement mixed with annoyance and curiosity and frustration for delaying this meeting for so long. That chef liked to play chase and Jennie was determined to catch him. It's more than just business for her now. It turned out to be a personal challenge, a game of wits that she was determined to win.

Approaching the coffee shop's entrance, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted towards her, a comforting embrace that eased her racing thoughts. The familiar sights and sounds greeted her as she stepped inside. The soft hum of conversations, the gentle clinking of cups, and the warm glow of the café's interior welcomed her into a familiar and comforting atmosphere.

The barista behind the counter recognized her immediately and greeted her with a warm smile and a friendly nod, already knowing her regular order. Jennie joined the line at the counter, her dark hazel brown eyes scanning the menu board even though she knew exactly what she wanted - a rich and smooth Caramel Brulée Latte, just the right balance of sweetness and warmth to start her day.

"The usual Miss Kim?" the barista inquired, already preparing Jennie's favorite drink before she even had to confirm. But today, Jennie craved something different.

Jennie stood there for a moment, her fingers lightly tapping on the counter's cool surface, contemplating a break from her routine. She looked at the menu, eyes scanning the array of enticing options. "Actually..." she began, pausing for a moment to consider her choice, "I think I'll try something new today."

The barista smiled knowingly, recognizing Jennie's desire for a change. "Feeling adventurous today, Miss Kim?"

"You can say that," Jennie replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Surprise me."

"Coming right up," the barista said with a playful wink and started working on Jennie's order, expertly crafting a unique blend just for her.

Moments passed, and Jennie's name was called out, much quicker than expected. Her brow slightly furrowed in surprise as she approached the counter to retrieve her drink. "That was fast," she thought to herself, she nodded at the other barista who handed her cup with a warm smile before heading out of the coffee shop with her hand grasping the warm cup.

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