Chapter 4 - Priorities

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Jennie's POV

Arriving at the office before office hours, when only a few early birds are present can be a great way to start the day with some peace and quiet, but that's not the reason why I'm here this early today. I just couldn't sleep last night, my mind remained consumed by thoughts of Lisa and our partnership's uncertain future. The way we ended our conversation the other day left me feeling unsettled like there were still so many things left unsaid. Thoughts of it kept me awake all night long and found myself ending up at the office before sunrise, meticulously reviewing the contract, ensuring that every detail was in place, ready for Lisa's signature. But the question that kept haunting me was, would Lisa even show up today to sign it?

My morning in the office was spent in quiet anticipation. Sitting behind my sleek glass-topped desk, staring blankly at my computer screen, waiting for an email notification or a phone call, and scrolling through my messages, but as expected, there was nothing from Lisa. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease for losing control of the situation, realizing that the decision was in Lisa's hands, and all I could do was wait. Damn, I hate the feeling of being at someone else's mercy.

It took us months to reach this point, and the anticipation was making me more restless. I'm well aware and confident of my ability to navigate complex negotiations and secure successful partnerships with finesse, but the situation with Lisa was far from ordinary. It was tangled with emotions, unresolved issues, and a connection that had left a profound impact on both of us. I had to admit that there was a part of me wishing that Lisa would end up choosing not to sign the contract and just walk away and leave everything behind, freeing me from the weight of our intertwined business and personal lives. It would be easier for me without Lisa clouding my judgments, but part of me yearned for something I couldn't tell. I'm okay without her here, I was okay.

The morning passed slowly, with me reviewing reports, attending meetings, and responding to emails. But my mind kept returning to the unresolved situation with Lisa, wondering if our last encounter pushed her away for good. Did I cross a line? Was there something I could have said or done differently? I couldn't help but glance at my door every time I heard footsteps outside, half-expecting Lisa to walk in and finally put an end to my day-long agony of uncertainty, but my door remained closed, and Lisa's presence was nowhere to be found and the weight of unanswered questions grew heavier with each passing hour.

After lunch, the first thing I did was ask my assistant to check if there were any updates, messages, or some sort of decision from Lisa but what I got was a hesitant shake of her head. Damn it! I tried to push my thoughts of Lisa to the back of my mind and concentrate on other work and tasks at hand, but no matter how hard I tried, my mind kept drifting back to her. The day wore on, and the sun began to set, casting a warm, orange glow in my office. I couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation settle over me. With a sigh, I leaned back and turned my chair towards the window behind me as I watched the last rays of sunlight disappear behind the buildings. A bitter chuckle escaped my lips when I realized, "You chose to walk away again," I whispered to myself, feeling a little frustrated and oddly sad at the same time.

The sound of my door opening and clicking heels against the floor snapped me out of my thoughts. My heart raced, and I abruptly stood up as I straightened my dress, thinking it might be Lisa finally showing up. But to my dismay, it was Jisoo holding a folder and placing it on my desk. The corner of her lips curved up to a most judgemental smirk as she said, "Expecting someone else?" I raised my brow in return.

"What's this?" I asked, picking up the folder.

"She's all yours," Jisoo said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Lisa signed them earlier, you just need to sign the rest of the papers and it's official."

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