Chapter 10 - Still you...

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Back in her house from her best friend's wedding, feeling exhausted from a long flight but undeniably filled with joy, her chest felt more light than ever as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The scenarios she'd been playing in a loop in her head for years were the exact opposite of what she experienced. Everything turned out to be better than she could have ever imagined. But there was one thing - no, one person- that she couldn't shake off from her thoughts, Jennie.

She couldn't shake off the feeling of seeing Jennie again after years of being away. The way Jennie's smile lit up the room, even after all this time, was undeniable. The elegance in her movements as she walked on the aisle, those feline eyes meeting hers...everything about her still feels compelling, magnetic, and impossible to ignore and it all felt like a bittersweet reminder of the past. Strangely, after all these years, part of her heart still belonged solely to Jennie. Flopping down to her couch, looking up at the ceiling she let out a soft chuckle as she realized that some connections are simply impossible to forget, no matter how much time has passed.

"You look like a high schooler with a crush," Diana teased as she entered the room carrying sleeping Bree in her arms, startled, Lisa immediately stood up and walked towards them. "Hey."

"How's everything going while I'm gone?" Lisa whispered while gently getting Bree from Diana's arms and cradling her close.

"Nothing's changed Boss," Diana whispered back rolling her eyes at Lisa. "...everything's running smoothly," she added stroking Bree's forehead, "...and she missed you a lot."

"I missed her too so much..."

"I think your tea needs a coffee on the side," Diana said walking to the kitchen with a knowing look. "Coffee?" she offered.

"That sounds perfect," Lisa replied and brought Bree to her room to put her down.

Sitting down comfortably at their spot, feet wiggling on the railings of the balcony, Lisa took a sip of her coffee and let the warmth spread through her body. "Your smile says everything," Diana said, leaning back in her chair.

Lisa just shrugged her shoulder, not minding how much of a fool she looked like as she grinned. "Have you ever felt such a strong connection to someone even after so much time has passed?" Lisa asked glancing at Diana, still bugged by the persistent thought of Jennie.

"Mmhmm, my Mom," Diana replied earning a sneer from Lisa. "I'm serious here," Diana continued, "There are some people who leave such a mark that even time and distance can't erase, and for me, it's my Mom, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing's wrong with that but I'm talking about you know... that person besides family, the one you can't forget no matter how hard you try to move on... you don't have anything like that?" Diana just scrunched her nose in response as she shook her head.

"I don't know but for me when it's done it's done, when I'm done I'm done. I don't hold on to past connections like that," Diana bragged with a smirk on her face before sipping her coffee.

"I don't know if I will envy or pity you," Lisa said with a playful smile and adjusted her position, crossing one leg over the other. "Well, everyone is different," she shrugged, acknowledging Diana's perspective. "I consider myself lucky to get a chance to experience that one-of-a-kind love. It was short but full of happy memories, and it changed me in ways I never thought possible, even though it brought me so much pain...I never regret loving her. Never." But then, Lisa chuckled wistfully as soon as she realized everything she had done before. "But I bet she does."

"You want her back, don't you?" Diana asked, turning her head to Lisa, waiting for her response. Lisa's response was more of a smile than words, a soft curve of her lips as she stared into the distance. Seeing her again, it was clear - she wanted her back. But it was complicated, messy even. Having her back would mean revisiting everything, both good and bad. Consequences she wasn't sure she was ready to face.

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