Chapter 8 - If you only...

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Lisa walked hurriedly through the parking lot with a helmet clutched in her hand, looking for the elevator that would take her to the 8th floor while talking to her sous chef. Her voice filled with authority while giving instructions and making sure that everything was running smoothly in the kitchen. Wearing a sleek leather jacket hugging her frame perfectly, paired with faded blue jeans and a comfortable pair of sneakers, giving off an air of nonchalance, accentuated by the subtle curve of her lips beneath the shadow of a black cap pulled low over her eyes.

Approaching the elevator, the doors began to slide shut with a soft ding, making Lisa run to catch it before it closed completely. "Hold please," she called out, extending her arm swiftly to stop the closing doors just in time. Stepping inside, Lisa let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding before saying thank you to the person who held the elevator for her. "Thank y--," when she realized who the person was, her lips slightly curved into a subtle smirk meeting the surprised gaze of her so-called boss. Rolling her tongue in her mouth as she tightened her grip on the helmet in her hand, Lisa took her time checking her out looking at her from head to toe and back up again as if insinuating something mischievous before saying, "Hey." Only to earn an eye roll with a sigh of annoyance from the person in the elevator, Jennie. Silence hung in the air as they stood at the opposite side of the elevator with occasional glances from Jennie, while Lisa's eyes stayed fixated on Jennie, unbothered to whatever she would think about her.

As the elevator ascended, the tension grew, as well as Lisa's smile - wider and more mischievous with each passing floor.

Feeling uncomfortable with Lisa's gaze and playful demeanor, Jennie tried to focus on the numbers illuminating above the elevator doors. "Will you stop looking at me like that," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Can't help it," Lisa replied, playfully raising an eyebrow and leaning against the elevator wall, pushing all the right buttons. Jennie gulped subtly, avoiding eye contact, still focused on the floor numbers lighting up above the elevator doors, carefully hiding her shaken nerves.

"After that morning..." Lisa continued to tease, causing Jennie to let out a sigh of being so done. "...I can't unsee it..." she added with a hint of mischief in her eyes, enjoying seeing Jennie's growing embarrassment, but her voice trailed off when Jennie lifted and stared at her hand acting as if cupping something, making Lisa's brows furrow, wondering what she was trying to imply.

"Do cup size changes as time passes?" Jennie suddenly asked acting so innocent as she pouted her lips, causing Lisa to subtly grasp her breath, taken aback by Jennie's counter tease. "Well, I still have the same cup size, but yours... I'm sure... yours definitely changed..." Jennie remained fixated on her hand, cupping the air in front of her acting as if pondering the question deeply before turning to Lisa curling up one corner of her mouth in a sly taunt, a subtle smile, barely there yet undeniably present. Beneath her innocent facade, there was a hint of arrogance in the way her lips curved and her eyes momentarily squinted, causing Lisa to subtly adjust her leather jacket on its chest part knowing exactly what Jennie was referring to.

"By the way..." Jennie added looking at the floor display, waiting for the elevator to reach her floor. "... kitchen is on the 8th floor, this is 16th," she continued before stepping out of the elevator without looking back, leaving Lisa speechless, amused by her wit to turn the table just like that. Silently laughing at herself for being so damn focused on making fun of her that she forgot to press the button to the 8th floor.

"You got me there," she mumbled and scoffed, shaking her head as she pressed 8 and leaned against the elevator wall biting her lip, repressing her smile like a fool.


A smile instantly spread across Lisa's face the exact moment she stepped into the kitchen like an old habit, greeted by the comforting aroma of spices and herbs filling the air, mingling with the clatter of pots and pans and the rhythmic chopping of vegetables. Lisa took a moment to absorb the familiar sights and sounds of the busy kitchen watching the team of chefs and cooks she formed and trained for the past few months with a sense of pride. Despite the noise and chaos in the kitchen, it was like calm music for her soul, a harmony that never fail to give her a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

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