Chapter 5 - Bree

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Lisa's eyes slowly opened to the soft rays of morning sunlight casting a warm golden hue on the room streaming through the billowing white curtains dancing in the gentle breeze of Sicily. "Home," she thought, inhaling the familiar and soothing scent of salt air blending with the fresh fragrance of trees. Birds chirping in the distance serve as music of peace to her ears - something that her hotel room in Seoul could never offer.

Lying on her side, Lisa watched Bree peacefully sleeping next to her, cherishing every detail of her child's serene face. Bree's cheeks, were rosy and inviting, tempting Lisa to give them a gentle pinch. Lying on her stomach, Bree's lips slightly parted with her thumb resting between them, her tiny hand clutching her favorite teddy bear. Lisa couldn't help but smile while watching her sleep, anticipation seeped in knowing that Bree would be so delighted to see her back home once she woke up.

Not too long after, Bree began to stir, her tiny body shifting in the sheets, her nose wrinkling as she yawned and stretched her arms above her head. Lisa reached out and brushed the strands of hair away from Bree's face, whispering softly, "Good morning, sleepyhead."

Bree still half-asleep, murmured in response like a routine, "Morning, Mommy." And when everything sank in, Bree abruptly sat up and turned to face Lisa. Her sleepy eyes widened in delight with both surprise and happiness as she gasped and exclaimed, "Mommy!" With a burst of energy, Bree threw herself into Lisa's arms, wrapping her tiny, delicate ones tightly around her mom's neck. "I missed you so much!" Lisa squeezed her daughter tightly, the kind of hug that she'd been resisting since last night, "I missed you too so so much little B."

"You sleep well?" Lisa asked, brushing her fingers through Bree's tousled hair.

"Yes, Mommy," Bree replied with her dimples appearing as her smile widened, snuggling closer into Lisa's embrace while looking up at her.

"It's going to be just you and me for the next two weeks," Lisa said lifting Bree to stand up on the bed. "No work, no restaurant, just you and me," she added pinching Bree's cheeks gently.

"Really?!" Bree exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes, just tell me what you want to do and we'll do it together."

"Breakfast!" Bree exclaimed, acting as if she had just suggested a one-of-a-kind bright idea. Bree jumped off the bed and excitedly ran with her little bare feet, dragging Lisa towards their kitchen.

Lisa chuckled as she shook her head, following Bree's lead, "Of course, of all things to ask... breakfast it is."

Lisa lifted Bree to the kitchen counter and let her sit there before starting to prepare a simple yet delicious breakfast for the two of them. Swinging her little legs back and forth with joy, the little one whose eyes sparkling with fascination, watched her mom move around the kitchen, gathering all the ingredients needed for their breakfast. Lisa glanced up and caught Bree observing her with curiosity, "Do you want to help, little B?"

Bree's face lit up with excitement. "Can I, Mommy?!" she exclaimed with a twinkle in her eyes, eager to be her mommy's little helper in the kitchen.

"Of course, my little chef."

"Yey!" Bree squealed with joy as she hopped down from the counter and rushed to grab her plastic step stool.

Lisa joined in the excitement as she grabbed a higher stool, "This one is better," she said as she placed the stool next to the counter for Bree, and helped her climb up onto it. "What do you need to do first?"

"First, we need to wash our hands," Bree said, mimicking her mom's actions with a little make-face and an exaggerated nod. She turned on the faucet, reached for the soap, and hummed along.

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