Chapter 11 - By Hook or By Crook

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After finding out that Lisa was selling their house a year after her parents' passing, Jennie made a decision she never thought she would do.

Under the bright midday sun, eyes slightly squinting as they cover their faces with their hands to shield themselves from its blinding rays, looking up at the house still in awe and disbelief at Jennie's sudden decision to buy Lisa's place.

"I never see this coming," Jisoo's voice chimed with a slight disappointment in her voice, so flat that it matched the dull expression on her face. "...this is torture, Jennie," she added as she shook her head staring at Jennie's back.

While Rosie standing right next to Jisoo, her face was bathed in sunlight, highlighting the furrow of her brow as she voiced out her concern at Jennie's choice. "This is so much for moving on, Jennie," Rosie sighed. "Really? Buying your ex's house? It's like inviting her to haunt you, every day."

"I know it seems strange, stupid even," Jennie replied with a sigh, still looking up at the house she just bought without even thinking about it thoroughly. "But there's something about this place, something that feels right. And it's practical..." she trailed off with a shrug finally turning to face her friends. "It's a good investment. Plus, it's right across from Papa's place, I can still look after him while I get the privacy of my own space... it's a smart choice." Jennie tried to justify her action, emphasizing the practicality and convenience of Lisa's place, but deep inside it was just her not wanting to let go completely, still hoping that she'd come back one day.

"Mmmhmm, okay..." Jisoo responded skeptically, still unconvinced by Jennie's excuses but respecting her decision nonetheless. Well, does she have a choice?

"You will regret buying this place in time," Rosie interjected. "...and I'd love to see that and say I told you so, in your face," she teased pinching Jennie's cheek.

Jennie smirked, playfully swatting Rosie's hand away. "We'll see, only time will tell."

"So, how do you want to warm the place?" Jisoo said walking beside Jennie.

"Warm?" Jennie asked with a puzzled expression.

"Housewarming duh," Rosie chimed in, rolling her eyes playfully at Jennie.

Jennie chuckled and said, "Oh right!... No need for a housewarming. I don't think it's right to have a party at their place while she's grieving."

Rosie and Jisoo just shook their head with a sigh in unison for the nth time just for today. In the middle of wanting to smack their friend's head to wake her up from her not-so-smart and reckless decision, but at the same time, grateful that Jennie bought the house. Jisoo herself was not really pleased with the idea of someone else's family taking over the house where they practically grew up together. Thinking that it was a shame on her part that only Jennie was the one who had the guts to make a move.

"She skipped the part of sitting with it... I know how much she loves and values this place," Jennie thought to herself. "It's worth the save."

End of flashback...

"Ugh fuck! My arm!" Lisa winced in discomfort when she pushed herself off the floor, feeling a sharp pain running up her arm. Still confused about why and how she ended up sleeping beside Jennie.

"What are you doing in my house? In my room!" Jennie asked jumping off to the other side of her bed, confused and alarmed and having the same question as Lisa in her mind.

Sucking air through her teeth as she brush away the haze of sleep, "You! What are you doing here IN MY ROO-- my room?" Lisa asked back with furrowed brows, confused as hell, still not absorbing what was happening at the right moment. "Why the fuck am I here? Why are you here?!" she asked again holding her arm, briefly forgetting about the pain because of bewilderment.

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