Chapter 3 - Resurgence

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Jennie could feel her heart racing like crazy in her chest while leaning behind the door, taking quick and uneven breaths. Still in awe of what just happened, in complete disbelief at how boldly she acted inside the conference room - a daring recklessness that had led her to boldly confront Lisa in front of everyone. It was as if a surge of adrenaline had taken control of her, granting her the strength to challenge the person who had once left her shattered.

"What have you done Jennie," she muttered under her breath, leaning her head against the door, filled with remorse. "Why did you let your emotions take over like that? Stupid, you could've handled it differently," she scolded herself, replaying the scene in her mind.

She could feel her own heartbeat pulsating through her veins, the rush of emotions coursing through her body, fingers trembled slightly as she clutched her phone tightly. Her thoughts raced, her mind replaying every word exchanged between her and Lisa, dissecting the subtle power plays and provocations. It was a delicate game of dominance and submission that neither was willing to lose.

Jennie had barely collected her thoughts, her mind still spinning from the encounter with Lisa when the door suddenly creaked open. Startled, she straightened up, her heart beating in her chest now more intense because there on the other side of the door, stood Lisa wearing a straight face, unsure of what to expect next.

Lisa stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her, her eyes locked on Jennie's. "You and I need to talk," Lisa said firmly, breaking the tense silence as she walked past Jennie and leaned her hand against the chair's backrest, gripping it slightly.

Jennie took a subtle deep breath before walking towards her desk, avoiding direct eye contact with Lisa. "We've already discussed everything in the conference room," she replied cautiously, trying her best to maintain a composed demeanor despite the turmoil swirling within her.

"I can't leave my people behind just like that, Jennie," Lisa said turning to face Jennie who is now acting busy at her desk, shuffling papers and pretending to be engrossed in her work. Jennie took her time and did not respond immediately as if mocking Lisa with her nonchalance.

Jennie glanced up from her papers, meeting Lisa's sharp and piercing gaze, brows knitted together in a frown, far from her mischievous and daring persona earlier. She could clearly see her jaw clenching from her seat, clearly not pleased with her silence. You still hate it, Jennie thought to herself. Jennie's eyes went back to absentmindedly scanning the paper in front of her without actually processing the words on its page. "We have a timetable to stick to, Chef. You've already caused delays in this project not just once, but multiple times, we can't afford any further setbacks," Jennie said calmly but with an underlying firmness in her tone.

"I'm sorry but you can't just ask me to stay here, I need time to prepare my kitchen team and make sure everything will run smoothly during my absence. Six months is not a joke," Lisa retorted starting to get irritated by Jennie's lack of attention, working steadily on a document as if she didn't even care anything about the concerns she was raising.

"Didn't you mention that you are fully committed to this collaboration... Chef." Jennie shot back with a hint of sarcasm in her voice while turning the page of the document she was pretending to review just to avoid Lisa's eyes. "If you are, you should've done everything necessary to ensure a smooth transition, including preparing your team in advance before flying here," Jennie stated nonchalantly, her eyes still fixed on the document in front of her standing her ground. "We've already given you numerous chances and extensions, you should've been more prepared and organized from the beginning."

"I can't do this," Lisa said defiantly, slightly raising her voice unconsciously.

"Then let's call it off," Jennie snapped, finally looking up from her papers. "You've already wasted our time well beyond what was acceptable, Chef. If you can't fulfill your commitment, there's no point in continuing this collaboration."

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