Chapter 13 - Our Own Version of Truth

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The morning light has already filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the muted tones of the walls and creating a peaceful atmosphere in her room - the exact opposite of the chaos running inside Jennie's mind. Despite the serene ambiance, Jennie felt everything but calm. Her bed served as a haven of comfort, she lay sprawled across it, arms and legs outstretched, looking blankly at the ceiling. Been awake for hours, thoughts tangled and restless, worrying how she would handle Lisa without getting soft, how to add more layers of walls to protect what she had left of herself. Because she knows, she knows herself very well. She knows that if she lets Lisa break one layer, even just a crack, the floodgates will open and all her feelings will come rushing back again. And she can't let that happen. Not again.

Lying there in her bed, lost in her own thoughts, a sudden loud knock shattered the stillness of the room, jolting Jennie out of her reverie with a gasp. For a moment, she hesitated, her hand hovering uncertainly over the covers as if reluctant to leave the safety of her bed.

The knock came again, more insistent this time, with a resigned sigh, she pushed herself upright and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Slowly, she made her way to the door, brushing up her disheveled hair, slightly annoyed by the early intrusion, knowing exactly who was standing on the other side. Jennie took a deep breath and gripped the doorknob, hesitating for a moment before finally turning it and pulling the door open.

"Hi," Lisa greeted with a wide smile. "Good mo--" The door slammed shut in Lisa's face before she could finish her sentence, making her flinch. Being tenacious as always, Lisa knocked on the door again. It took a few more knocks before Jennie opened the door with force, obviously irritated - brows furrowed and jaw clenched.

"What?!" Jennie snapped, glaring at Lisa, agitated at Lisa's insensitive approach. Seeing her still smiling like an idiot despite her clear display of 'leave me alone' signals enraged Jennie even more.

"Breakfast is r--" the door slammed shut again, interrupting Lisa's words mid-sentence. Again. Lisa groaned and knocked on the door again. Harder, this time. After several rounds of knocking Jennie finally opened the door again, looking visibly exasperated.

"Can't you take a hint? Can't you leave me alone for once?!" Jennie's voice trembled with frustration and exhaustion, so done with all her persistent attempts to break through her walls. Jennie tried to close the door again but Lisa swiftly placed her foot in the door, preventing it from shutting completely.

"Stop shutting the door, will you?" Lisa said, this time going completely serious, smile now replaced with twitching lips and furrowed brows, not so pleased with all the door slamming on her face.

"I don't eat breakfast, so please stop bothering me about it," Jennie shot back.

"Fine, then just tell me was it so hard to do? You don't need to shut the door on me," Lisa responded sternly.

"Now you know, so leave," Jennie said and tried to close the door again but Lisa persisted, keeping her foot firmly in the doorway. With her eyes closed, Jennie called all the saints and God she could call at that moment to provide her with the strength and patience to deal with Lisa's persistence as she heaved a deep frustrated sigh.

"I need your hand," Lisa said softly this time. "I- I badly need a shower." She said scratching the back of her neck.

Jennie's eyes widen upon hearing Lisa's request, "No way I'm helping you shower." Taken aback by Jennie's response, Lisa quickly clarified,

"No, no! I meant to say that I need your hand to help me cover my cast, I've been trying to do it myself but I can't do it with one hand." Lisa said with pleading eyes, handing Jennie a towel. Jennie stares at the towel for a moment, before reluctantly taking it from Lisa's outstretched hand.

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