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A package arrived at the palace, addressed to Queen Tatiana and marked URGENT. Naturally it was scanned first, can't have the Queen murdered now can we. Cautiously it was opened, to reveal 6 Books. The Queen looked to her assistant, puzzled.

'Why on earth would anyone send me books? I am Queen and barely have a spare minute to myself let alone log enough to read all these'

When she went to lift out one of the books to at least read the back she found a letter.

Dear Queen Tatiana,

You may find this hard to believe, but you must. I write to you from an alternate timeline. As you can see there are 6 books contained in this package. They contain the thoughts and events of Rosemarie Hathaway, presently on the run with Princess Vasilissa Dragomir, unable to be located and supposedly the last of her bloodline. You and I both know why I say 'supposedly' but few others would. I hope this will encourage you to believe me.

These books are not for you alone. You must gather the people on the list provided and read them together. I assure you that those gathered will not like parts of these books. The sooner you gather everyone and start reading, the better. There will be many interruptions and comments so I suggest you find somewhere to securely house up to 30 people and have it be soundproof. Additional feeders should be on standby and a kitchen filled with enough snacks, food, cutlery, plates etc. for that amount plus the guardians. Ask Abe when he arrives how many he plans to provide though I imagine 10 at least.

Security is necessary but I ask that you do not allow your guards inside whichever room you choose to have these books read in. They can wait outside the door and guard the hallway. Abe Mazur has an army of guardians, all too terrified to ever think of crossing him so they will guard inside the room. If I am right, they will only be needed to protect certain people being harmed by others in the room as certain events come to light.

Abe Mazur must first swear on the life of his daughter Rosemarie Hathaway that he will not take actions against any persons for events contained within the books. It is the one thing that he will never risk breaking a promise for. The same should be asked of Guardian Janine Hathaway but for her promise it would have to be the life of her charge and not worth bothering. You will understand as the book goes on. You are also to make sure Abe promises not to find a work around of his promise in any way and he must again swear on his daughters' life.

Please prepare yourself for a long journey and while your instincts may be to separate some characters as events come to light, I urge you not to for reasons that will become clear when you speak to Abe at the end of the last book. I wouldn't want to spoil anything.



PS It is necessary to change certain events in order to alter the timeline the way it was supposed to be. I suggest before you act on anything that you first consult with Yeva Belikova and Rhonda, they will guide you to what can and cannot be changed. Some of the events are necessary in order to shape the characters into their best selves and who they are destined to become. I write to you from my timeline as the events did not play out as they were supposed to and so our society has all but crumbled. There are numerous prophecies surrounding these individuals and unless events play out as they are supposed to, the prophecies will remain unfulfilled. The prophecy MUST come to pass, for all our sakes. This is our last chance.

List of persons to read the Vampire Academy Series:

Guardian Dimitri Belikov

Guardian Janine Hathaway

Guardian Alberta Petrov

Guardian Mikhail Tanner (From Book 5)

Ibrahim Mazur

Christian Ozera

Headmistress Ellen Kirova (Leave after Book 2)

Queen Tatiana Ivashkov (As pleases After Book 1)

Lord Adrian Ivashkov (Needed from Book 2)

Alchemist Sydney Sage (contact best made through Abe. She is needed for books 4 and 6 though may stay from her first meeting)

Family of Belikov/Belikova (Needed for book 4 but can stay from then)

Family Belikova may also bring a couple who can shed some light and help the girls with their powers and bond when they are located and returned to the Academy but that will be their choice and so I will not name them.

Immediately intrigued and weary of what the books may contain, she begins to assemble the required persons, starting with Abe Mazur. Thankfully Abe was close to Court on one of his rare visits. While waiting for him to arrive she set about making the other calls. They were easy enough since she could just order Guardian Petrov and Headmistress Kirova to present to Court with the other persons from the Academy. It was also easy enough to have Guardian Hathaway present, all it would take was a call to Head Guardian Hans Croft and the 'suggestion' that Lord Szelsky come to Court for the duration of his guardians temporary assignment. His location is high risk and she was not willing to put him in any more danger than necessary if it could be avoided. When Abe turns up at her office her heart beat faster, just as it always did when he was around. Despite their age difference and his clearly flirtatious ways with women, she always did have a crush on him (not that he ever acknowledged that though). How she wished that her family had allowed her to pursue something with him. Many of her family were already indebted to him however and would rather have her rule as a 'virgin queen' (like the human queen) rather than have her with him in any way. Zmey was powerful and rich enough without the added inducement of the throne behind his actions. Taking some time to converse and catch up she eventually turned to the topic at hand, the package. She shows him the list of people and he says he can arrange for the Belikov/Belikova family and Sydney Sage presence easily and is happy to have his guardians present also.

Abe and the Queen talk more while they await everyone else's arrival, thankfully it turned out that Guardian Hathaway was already at Court, her charge attending to family business. Just before the Academy plane was due to touch down, they began the journey to the room they would be using for the duration of the books. Her staff made it cosy; the size of the books alone implies they will be in there for quite some time.

Once everyone was present Queen Tatiana began to explain the reason for their presence. 

"You are all here because I received a package suggesting what has occurred in the lives of Novice Hathaway and by extension, Princess Vasilissa Dragomir". That received gasps and comments forming on the lips of Janine and Alberta but they were unable to voice them before they were silenced by a hand gesture and her continuing to explain. "I would have dismissed this had the sender not revealed information only select few were aware of". That had people curious as to what said information could possibly be. "Those present are here for as long or little as the sender suggests and based on behaviour throughout the readings. If you are too disruptive to the process you may be removed, so I suggest you try and keep your opinions to yourself, as will I, and we get on with this. There are 6 books to go through before we can discuss what changes can and cannot be made or make any effort to retrieve the girls. Apparently it is more imperative than we understand that events not play out the same as they do in these books" again she silenced everyone before they could ask questions she had no answers to. "What that means I do not yet know, but hopefully we will all find out. Quick introductions and then – Let the story begin".

Everyone quickly introduced themselves, (though some did not need any introduction), and where they are currently located and in what capacity. It intrigued Guardian Hathaway to learn that Guardian Belikov was assigned to Princess Vasilissa, despite her not being present at the Academy at the time of his appointment, or that she has failed to be located since. What no one could understand was why Lord Ozera was present given he had no current connection to either Rose or Lissa. Little did they know though just how connected he would be become. His precense was uncomfortable for Guardian Hathaway as she had been part of the team to locate and kill his parents after they turned strigoi. She wasn't exactly comfortable being around her former lover and father of her child either. Everyone now knowing each other they eagerly began the books, curious to learn where they are and why they ran in the first place, with the possible exception of Kirova.

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