Chapter 11 - Dimitri POV

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Janine passed the book to Dimitri with a little more force than necessary. He was still reeling from Rose slipping up and putting his name in the note. What must students think of him after that? How will he manage to control her, or himself? Does he even want to?


"Hmm?" I glanced over at her. We were waiting for Mr. Nagy's Slavic art class to start, and I was preoccupied with listening to Mia adamantly deny the claims about her parents to one of her friends.

Abe took great satisfaction in his daughters success, glancing around the room there were a few hidden smiles that suggest others agreed. He was a proud Baba.

"It's not like they're servants or anything," she exclaimed, clearly flustered. Straightening her face, she tried for haughtiness. "They're practically advisors. The Drozdovs don't decide anything without them."

A few Guardians around the room snickered at that comment. The girl was obviously desperate and embarrassed about her familial connections.

I choked on a laugh, and Lissa shook her head. "You're enjoying this way too much."

"It's nice that Vasilissa is feeling a little bad about the Mia situation. Does she know that it was Rosemarie who started it?" Tatiana asked. Alberta confirmed Rose was unlikely too keep that from her because it was done for her but that Lissa also wouldn't need her to say anything because it is such a 'Rose' thing to do.

"Because it's awesome. What'd you just ask me?" I dug through my bag, messily looking for my lip gloss. I made a face when I found it. It was almost empty; I didn't know where I was going to score some more.

Abe frowned that while something so simple made Rose happy, she was unable to keep herself in supply.

So Rose likes lip-gloss; maybe I could get her some... what the hell am I thinking, snap out of it Dimitri, get yourself together Dimitri thought.

"I asked if you need something to wear tonight," she said.

"Well, yeah, of course I do. But none of your stuff fits me."

"What are you going to do?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Improvise, like always. I don't really care anyway. I'm just glad Kirova's letting me go." 

We had an assembly tonight. It was November 1, All Saints' Day—which also meant we'd been back almost a month now.

Abe was thinking he will definitely be getting his daughter a fully stocked wardrobe so she will have her pick of outfits. Alberta was still shocked at the confirmation of being back such a short time and already improving to be a top combat student again.

A royal group was visiting the school, including Queen Tatiana herself. Honestly, that wasn't what excited me.

Tatiana looked shocked at this. She was used to everyone making such a fuss about her, even though she knew a lot of things were said behind her back. Alberta saw the look on their Monarchs face and spoke up. 

"I am warning you now Your Majesty, you may not like what happen in the next chapters surrounding your visit. Just remember that if Rose says or does anything, it would be to do with Lissa and not just some random whim." This made Tatiana even more concerned but she simply nodded. Janine looked furious at what her daughter may be getting up to while Abe couldn't believe her brazenness.

She'd visited the Academy before. It was pretty common and a lot less cool than it sounded. Besides, after living among humans and elected leaders, I didn't think much of stiff royals. Still, I'd gotten permission to go because everyone else would be there. It was a chance to hang out with actual people for a change and not stay locked in my dorm room. A little freedom was definitely worth the pain of sitting through a few boring speeches.

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