Chapter 16 - Christian POV

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After having eaten and calmed down some, they decided on trying to read at least 3 more chapters before deciding on what to do for dinner. Christian decided to read again, hoping that maybe he would end up with Lissa. It sucks that Lissa is with Aaron. This means Mia has been screwed over twice by Dragomirs he thought bitterly before beginning to read. 

THE NEXT DAY, IT FULLY hit me how much things had changed since the Jesse-and-Ralf rumors first started. For some people, I remained a nonstop source of whispers and laughter. From Lissa's converts, I received friendliness and occasional defense. Overall, I realized, our classmates actually gave me very little of their attention anymore. This became especially true when something new distracted everyone.

"Ah, what now" Abe groaned out his frustration.

Lissa and Aaron. Apparently, Mia had found about the party and had blown up when she learned that Aaron had been there without her. She'd bitched at him and told him that if he wanted to be with her, he couldn't run around and hang out with Lissa. So Aaron had decided he didn't want to be with her. He'd broken up with her that morning...and moved on.

More than one person sighed knowing that if you have to give ultimatums like that, then the relationship is already dead.

Now he and Lissa were all over each other. They stood around in the hall and at lunch, arms wrapped around one another, laughing and talking. Lissa's bond feelings showed only mild interest, despite her gazing at him as though he was the most fascinating thing on the planet. Most of this was for show, unbeknownst to him. He looked as though he could have built a shrine at her feet at any moment. And me? I felt ill.

Abe looked concerned and asked why she'd feel ill. Looking to Christian with sadness Alberta responded. "Because she knows Lissa and Aaron don't belong together and it is just another way to stick it to Mia. Rose knows what the fallout will be".

My feelings were nothing, however, compared to Mia's. At lunch, she sat on the far side of the room from us, eyes fixed pointedly ahead, ignoring the consolations of the friends near her. She had blotchy pink patches on her pale, round cheeks, and her eyes were red-rimmed. She said nothing mean when I walked past. No smug jokes. No mocking glares. Lissa had destroyed her, just as Mia had vowed to do us.

Abe looked happy "Mia is out at least" he said a little smugly. Christian shook his head knowing why Mia was upset but so far no one had even asked, so he kept quiet. He also suspected that Mia is nothing close to being out yet, just bruised.

The only person more miserable than Mia was Christian. Unlike her, he had no qualms about studying the happy couple while wearing an open look of hatred on his face. As usual, no one except me even noticed. After watching Lissa and Aaron make out for the tenth time, I left lunch early and went to see Ms. Carmack, the teacher who taught elemental basics. I'd been wanting to ask her something for a while.

Kirova looked curious and suspicious as she asked why she'd want to talk to a magic teacher. Dimitri spoke up that she probably wanted to ask questions about Ms Karp specialization, St Vlad too if she knows, find out more about Lissa supposedly not specializing yet... They knew that Rose started piecing things together, but so far the rest did not know enough to follow or to piece the puzzle together themselves.

"Rose, right?" She seemed surprised to see me but not angry or annoyed like half the other teachers did lately.

"Yeah. I have a question about, um, magic."

She raised an eyebrow. Novices didn't take magic classes. "Sure. What do you want to know?"

"I was listening to the priest talk about St. Vladimir the other day...Do you know what element he specialized in? Vladimir, I mean. Not the priest."

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