Chapter 12 - Kirova POV

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Before they started to read again, while everyone was occupied, Dimitri attempted, and failed, at improving Christian's mood over the events and life in general. While Christian respected the man, he didn't want to be pacified in any way right now. Dimitri understood and backed off, but not before suggesting he take the advice he's been given and get Rose on side before pursuing Lissa. With a final nod from Christian, they took their seats. Seems Kirova decided to read, taking the book from the coffee table. She was getting bored just listening and couldn't believe she allowed for Rose to stay after she'd almost finally gotten rid of her.The school populous may have been bored without her, but at least it was quiet.

SLEEP CAME RELUCTANTLY THAT NIGHT and I tossed and turned for a long time before finally going under. An hour or so later, I sat up in bed, trying to relax and sort out the emotions coming to me. Lissa. Scared and upset. Unstable. The night's events suddenly came rushing back to me as I went through what could be bothering her. The queen humiliating her. Mia. Maybe even Christian—he could have found her for all I knew. Yet...none of those was the problem right now. Buried within her, there was something else.

"What else!" everyone shouted in frustration, wondering when the girls would finally be able to catch some sort of a break.

Something terribly wrong. I climbed out of bed, dressed hastily, and considered my options. I had a third-floor room now—way too high to climb down from, particularly since I had no Ms. Karp to patch me up this time. I would never be able to sneak out of the main hall. That only left going through the "appropriate" channels.

"She's learning. She is thinking instead of just escaping to Lissa" Alberta said proudly.

"Where do you think you're going?" One of the matrons who supervised my hall looked up from her chair. She sat stationed at the end of the hall, near the stairs going down. During the day, that stairwell had loose supervision. At night, we might as well have been in jail.

I crossed my arms. "I need to see Dim—Guardian Belikov."

Dimitri looked proud that Rose would trust him enough to help. Alberta and Abe smiled, thinking the same thing, but Janine didn't look happy. Kirova thought nothing of it as she simply thought Rose was going to him as Lissa's assigned guardian.

"It's late."

"It's an emergency."

She looked me up and down. "You seem okay to me."

"You're going to be in so much trouble tomorrow when everyone finds out you stopped me from reporting what I know."

Tatiana vented her frustration at the matron delaying what could have been such a simple situation, asking what the big deal is about simply calling him. Alberta shrugged. "I don't see any problem with it,. Whether he listened at that time would be his choice, but the call alone couldn't hurt. It would probably help that he knows about the bond and so is more likely to believe anything Rose says concerning Lissa". Tatiana looked happy at the answer but not at Kirova, imagining her somehow responsible for their reaction.

"Tell me."

"It's private guardian stuff." I gave her as hard a stare as I could manage. It must have worked, because she finally stood up and pulled out a cell phone.

Janine was voicing that Rose could have simply told the matron, only to be reminded that the bond is secret but for a select few. Abe was more focused on Rose's ability to have moved the matron to call Belikov with her glares. Alberta must have known what he was musing about because she simply laughed as she spoke. "Her glares are similar to yours. You have practiced yours more but still, everyone who has seen those glares know better than to risk seeing them again. At least when aimed at them". He smiled even more while his guardians along the wall either shuddered, gulped, or both.

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