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Upstairs in the bathroom, Kurt is helplessly staring at himself in the mirror.

He is the only one awake in the small apartment he shares with his drummer boyfriend.

It is 8PM.

Dave is napping early.

Kurt so dearly wanted to just sleep. But he couldn't. His mind is at a constant race. His head pounded with a headache. Chills throughout his body. An incoming fever.He felt sick.

Tears fill up his eyes as he continued to look at himself. Holding them back as he stared deeply into his reflection.

Down the hallway,

Dave sits up in his shared bed. He rubbed the back of his head as he yawned. Something felt, odd.

Moving the blanket off himself, Dave gets out of his bed. Pushing back his long brown hair as he yawned again.

He turned his head. Kurt no longer to be seen in the room.

He hummed softly. Still feeling the pit in his stomach that something was up. Dave walks himself out of his bedroom.

He walked down the hall. As he walked, he began to hear coughing sounds from the bathroom.

"Kurt, baby?" Dave called as he knocked softly on it. The frontman didn't respond.

The blond let's out a panicked gasp as he rushed himself to the toilet. He knelt down and began to vomit inside of it.

Continuing to cough as more vomit spewed out of his mouth, Dave opened the door.

Rushing over to Kurt's side, Dave holds the blond's hair back to prevent it from getting vomit on it.

After a few moments, Kurt lifted his head. He shakily panted as he laid his head back onto Dave's chest.

"Damn, it." Kurt muttered. " Aww. My poor baby.." Dave pecked Kurt's cheek. "Let Davey take care of youuu."

Kurt huffed. "No, I'm fine!" He denied as he shakes his head. "we have a concert tonight..!"

Dave sighed as he picks up Kurt. "We already canceled it, Love. Remember? That's not until next week.."

Kurt felt relieved. He wraps his arms around Dave's neck. "Oh yeah..but why are you holding me?! I don't want you to get sick!" He exclaimed as he started to squirm.

Dave grips tighter as he carried Kurt out of the bathroom. "Because you're my baby and im taking care of you."

Kurt groaned in embarrassment.

"Oh, fine ..."

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