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"Hello?" Krist said into the phone. Dave sighed in relief. "Hi, it's Dave. Did, you cancel the show?"

"Yeah, I did. How's Kurt feeling?" Krist asked. "oh he's ok. Taking a bath and then gonna hit the hay early so he can sleep."

"Alright, good. Good. Want some weed?" Krist asks.

"Nah, we got a few ounces here. Thanks though." Dave replied and chuckled softly.

"Oh cool, man! Yeah, I'll let you go. Have a good night. Tell Kurt I said hi." Krist says into the phone.

"Will do. Bye Krist." Dave replied. "Later." Krist says as the phone gets hanged up.

The drummer walks out of the kitchen. Then goes back up the stairs. As he went up, he heard Kurt humming.

Softly, Dave knocks on the bathroom door. "hey babe? Can I come in?" He asks.

On the other side, Kurt is laying in the tub. Staring up as he hummed. He heard the door knock and Dave's question.

"Yeah, that's okay." Kurt shyly answered.

The door knob slowly turned as Dave opened the door. He comes inside. Then, shuts the bathroom door close.

Walking over to the tub, he knelt down to it. "Hi, baby." Dave greeted. Kurt looked over and blushed. "Hi."

"Sit up, I have to wash your hair." Dave commanded softly. Kurt complied and sits up. His hair already wet.

Dave picked up the shampoo bottle and says.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

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