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Setting Kurt down. Dave grabbed out the cough medicine. "Now, we are gonna give you this cough medicine, and some Pepto. Ok?"

Kurt scrunched up his face. "Why the cough medicine..? That's gross." Dave sighed as he undid the cap. Checking the medicine instructions.

"Because it'll help your cough go away." Dave replied. "Take the Pepto too, it can help your stomach. Just in case if it aches again."

The drummer poured some Pepto into the small medicine cap first.


Dave poured the cough medicine into the other  little cap. It is cherry flavored. Bright red, and thick liquid medicine comes out and into the plastic measuring lid/cap.

Two medicine caps full to the measurement are placed in front of Kurt.

Kurt scrunched up his face again. "Noooo. Can't I just take a cough medicine pill?" He whined.

Dave shakes his head. "We ran out, remember? This is all we have left. Krist was sick last week...wait."

The drummer furrowed his eyebrows. He puts the pieces together. He groaned. "Krist must've got you sick."

"I'm gonna get you sick." Kurt whined as he picks up the pink Pepto stomach relief medicine first. Since that was isn't as bad.

"No, babe. If you got me sick, I would've already been down with it. You aren't contagious anymore. Last week Krist was... We went on tour while he was sick." Dave admitted.

"And why not me?" Kurt pouted before he downed the Pepto medicine. He sets the little cap down before picking up the cough medicine cap.

"Because you're the singer." Dave replied. "Plus, Krist didn't really show any symptoms until we were done with the shows..then, a few days later. Now you're sick."

"So?!" Kurt whined as he stared at the red cough medicine. "This looks gross..!"

"You can't sing with an upset vocal chords and coughing." Dave replied.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Have before.." Dave sighed. "Babe, enough. We already canceled it. Ok? We need the break anyway. We'll tour next week."

" 'Kay, but do I have to drink this?" Kurt whined. Dave nods. "Yes hon. You already drank the pepto, now gotta drink this one."

"But it's gross!" Kurt complained for the billionth time as he stared at the medicine cap in his hand.

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