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Kurt drinks a few sips from the carton of milk before he puts it back into the fridge. He sighed in relief.

"Better?" Dave asks. Kurt nods. "Yeah.. fuck that was nasty."  The drummer shrugged.

"You drink it!" Kurt pointed a finger into the drummers face. Dave laughed. "Hon, I'm not sick. So I don't have to drink it."

Kurt pouted. "that's right.. and that's good that you aren't sick." He muttered.

Before he stood up on his tippy toes. "kiss?" Kurt asks. Dave chuckled. "Before we kiss.. you have a milk mustache."

Kurt quickly licked it off. "kiss?" He asks again. Dave laughed. "What's the magic word?"

"Gay." Kurt answered. The drummer laughed. "I meant please, but that works."

"Yay!" Kurt leaned in and kissed Dave. Dave returned the kiss. Before he pulled back.

"Your breath smells of cherry flavored cough medicine and milk." Dave spat out.

Kurt laughed. "I know. Is it gross?" He asks. "Yes, but I love your kisses so I'll let it slide." Dave replied.

The frontman kissed Dave's cheek. "Can I have a cookie?" Kurt asks, pointing to the cookie jar that rested by the stove.

"Okay, one cookie. Because I don't want you puking again." Dave says worriedly.

"I won't! I only puked once. I haven't been feeling any sickness anymore." Kurt replied with a smile.

He walked himself to the cookie jar. Unscrewing the lid, he asks. "Want to share? Or have your own?"

"Share. We can split it." Dave responded. "Ok!" Kurt beamed as he takes a cookie out.

Setting the cookie jar back, Kurt walked back over to his boyfriend.

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