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Dave filled the bathtub with water. It is a nice warm temperature. He rubbed Kurt's shoulders as he whispered in Kurt's ear.

"I'll give you some privacy to undress. I know. I'll be downstairs on a call with Krist."

Kurt felt relieved. He nodded his head. "mkay, kiss?" He asked and turned around. Dave jokingly replied, "I thought you didn't want any kisses because you didn't want me sick?"

Kurt whined. "kiss!" He repeated. Dave raised an eyebrow, teasing Kurt further as he says. "Oh I dunno, babe..do you want me sick?"

"C'mon, kiss me. Please?" Kurt asks as he stood up on his tippy toes. "please!please!" He begged.

"Fine. Only because you're cute." Dave complied as he laughed softly. Kurt and Dave share a soft kiss.

Then, they pulled back with a little smack of their lips.

"Get in the tub, honey. I'll be up here in a bit." Dave says as he kissed Kurt's head.

The blond nodded his head as he replied. "Alright."

Dave kissed Kurt's head before he exited the bathroom. Lightly closing the door.

On the bathroom counter rested a pair of blue plaid PJ bottoms and a navy blue sweater to match.

A pure white towel folded neatly next to the PJs.

Kurt sighed as he began to undress himself. Once undressed, he tossed his nasty a-few-day-worn clothes in the hamper.

Getting inside the tub, Kurt felt imediantly himself relax. His aching muscles felt comfort from the warm water.

Meanwhile with Dave,

The drummer is in the kitchen. Phone in hand as he begins to dial in Krist's phone number.

"He better of cancelled that show.." Dave grumbled as he listened to the ringing in his ear.

Waiting for the bassist to answer.

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