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Kurt splits the cookie In half. He handed Dave his half. "Here, babe." He mumbled.

"Thank you." Dave replied as he stuffed it in his mouth. Kurt giggled as his eyes reflected love to his boyfriend.

The drummer finished his half as he watched Kurt take his sweet time with his.

Casually nibbling at it and taking small bites. Kurt eyed up at Dave with love and happiness.

It is very much obvious he feels better.

Dave smiled at his boyfriend. Ruffling Kurt's freshly washed hair. It is dried and now extremely fluffed out from the conditioner and shampoo that was used.

Kurt finished his cookie half. Happily he jumped into Dave's arms and yawns.

"Let's get you to bed. We should've went to bed hours ago but.. it's ok. It's only 1am." Dave replied as he carried Kurt up the stairs.

Kurt rubbed an eye as he laid his head on Dave's chest. Arms around Dave's neck.

They are walking down the hall.

"Yeah.. hate to admit it but I love when you take care of me. Makes me feel happy and safe." Kurt admitted, ina very sleepy voice.

Dave smiled. "Yeah?" He heard everything. "I love taking care of you. It pains me to see you upset or sick."

Kurt lifted his head. He yawned again. Dave yawned with his boyfriend. Since yawning is contagious.

Dave stopped by the bedroom door. The couple smiled at each other.

"Let's get to sleep. Mm, tired." Kurt sleepily mumbled. Dave nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's."

Kurt extended his arm out and opened the door. Dave carried Kurt into the room.

Jokingly, he plops Kurt onto the bed and tucks him in.

Kurt laughed. "come lay with me!" He beamed as he pats the bed. Dave smiled. "Of course, it's our bed."

Dave walked around to the other side. He lays down. Next to his boyfriend. Arms around him and holding him close.

"Goodnight kiss?" Kurt asked to his boyfriend. Dave smiled. "of course, my love."

The two shared a sleepy passionate kiss. Slowly they pulled back.

"Goodnight, baby." Dave whispered. Turning off the lamp next to him making the room dark.

"Night, Davey." Kurt replied as his eyes fluttered shut.

The drummer played with Kurts hair as he realized how tired Kurt truly is. The frontman fell asleep in an instant.

Signing in relief, Dave left little kisses to Kurt's neck and jawline. Whispering against the skin, "I love you very much."

Pulling his head back, Dave turned it to look at the clock. 1:35AM. Seeing the time made the drummer yawn.

Dave tucked his face into Kurt's neck. His warmth of breath touching the others skin, but Kurt didn't mind.

The two are snuggled together in warmth and comfiness.

Reaching a hand out, Dave pulled some of blanket over himself. Since Kurt is mostly hogging all the blankets.

Dave Grohl pecked Kurt's neck one more time, whispering. "I Love You."

His eyes completely shut.

Falling asleep with his boyfriend, Kurt Cobain.

The end.

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