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Kurt is causally smelling Dave's scent. His head laying on the drummers chest as he is carried down the hall.

Entering the bedroom, Dave plopped Kurt onto the bed. The blond laughed. "My, someone looks like their feeling better." Dave acknowledged.

Kurt nodded. "Yeah! All thanks to you, babe." He replied. Dave pecked Kurt's cheek.

"Let's check that temp.." Dave muttered as he sets a hand onto Kurt's forehead. "Good! Fevers gone. You're happy. Hm.. but the cough is still there."

Just as this was said, Kurt had a small coughing fit. Dave glanced at the clock. It read 12:30AM.

"Let's get you some cough medicine downstairs. Do you want to stay in here, love? Or come downstairs with Davey?"

"Downstairs." Kurt replied and sits up. Making grabby hands as he smiled. "carry me though!"

"Hmm, I dunnooo." Dave teased. Kurt falls dramatically back on the bed as he says. "I'm sooo sick, I need to be carried!"

"You're a fuckin dork." Dave sneered the compliment and scooped the blond in his arms.

Kurt laughed. Laying his head back on Dave's chest. Listening to the drummers heartbeat. Arms around Dave's neck.

"I love you." Dave says.
"I love you too." Kurt replied.

"See? You love the attention of being babied." Dave admitted as he carried his boyfriend out.

Kurt whined in embarrassment. "What?! Noooo! That's not true!"

The drummer laughed as he carried Kurt to the kitchen.

"Totally is." He replied.

Sick Night - Kave Where stories live. Discover now