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"Oh! Here's a funny story about that question." Dave got a flashback as chuckled.

"Tell me!" Kurt replied. "let's get this conditioner out first and then I'll tell you." Dave replied as he started to wash out the conditioner.

Once it is washed out, Kurt moved his hands away. He looked up at his boyfriend.

"Tell me!" Kurt urged with a smile across his face. Dave sighed with a smile. "Alright, but don't laugh."

"It depends on what you smelled." Kurt asks. "Was it shit?" Dave scoffed and shakes his head. "No- but it really did seem like it."

"What?! Ew! What the fuck?!" Kurt started to laugh. "hold on! You haven't even let me tell you the context!" Dave exclaimed back.

"Ok! Ok! I'll listen. But first, get me that rubby duckie." Kurt replied as he pointed to the bright yellow rubber duck on the counter.

Dave chuckled. "Okay cutie." He gets up and grabs the little duck toy. Returning back, Dave knelt down to the tub.

He puts the yellow rubber duck into the tub. Kurt squealed in joy. "Yay! A duck!"

"You're such a dork." Dave laughed softly as he watched Kurt pick up the rubber ducky.

Kurt stuck his tongue out. "yeah? Well you love this dork. So blehhh!"

"Cute. Now do you want to hear the story?" Dave asks. Kurt nodded as he laid back in the tub.

Dave locks eyes with Kurts face as he smiled lovingly. "Ready?" He asks. Kurt nods. "Yep."

Dave began telling the story.
"Ok. So this was like.. I think I dropped out or I was about to drop out of highschool. And I was in my old band, Scream."

He paused and cleared his throat. "Haha, uh-" . The frontman watched his boyfriend with so much interest.

"Anyway-" Dave laughed as he continued. "it was after a practice in a garage at my old buddy's place and um. I needed a shower. So, yk I go take a shower.. right?"

Kurt nods his head.

Dave started to laugh again. "Uh! So, I used the shampoo like normally. Um, and I didn't think much of it.."

"What did it smell like?" Kurt asks.

"I'll tell you in a sec." Dave reminded as he contuined, "So, I finished my shower. And i get this strong smell. Like of, wet dog. I'm all confused because my buddy doesn't have a pet dog. So, I think nothing of it. Dry my hair, get dressed , whatever."

The drummer sighed as he held back his laughter, he continued. "And I kid you not, my hair smelt like wet dog!" He exclaimed.

Kurt started to laugh. "What how?!" He asks as he contuined to laugh. Dave chuckled.

"It's because that damn bottle of shampoo was expired! And it was right next to the other shampoo that wasn't expired! So I grabbed the wrong one!" Dave explained and laughed.

"Dumbass!" Kurt sits up in the tub and giggles. Dave sighed once he calmed his laughter.

"Yeah... I really was back then."

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