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Squirting some shampoo in his hand, Dave begins to lather it into Kurt's greasy locks.

Kurt started to smile and giggle. Keeping his eyes covered with his hands.

It is obvious he felt so much better than he did a few hours ago. Dave smiled lovingly as he started to hum.

"Of a marigold...." Dave sang softly as he washed the shampoo out of Kurt's hair.

Kurt felt butterflies listening to Dave's soft singing of 'marigold.' a little smile rested on his lips as Dave continued to wash and clean the frontman's hair.

"Now we have to add the conditioner.." Dave mumbled more to himself as he picks up the conditioner bottle.

"What's the scent?" Kurt asks. His eyes still covered with his hands. "Strawberry." Dave replied. "It's pink."

"I wanna see!" Kurt exclaimed and moved his hands away. Dave showed his soapy hand that had a quarter size amount of conditioner. It is a light pastel pink and smells exactly like strawberries.

"It's a pretty pink." Kurt mumbled before covering his eyes again. Dave chuckled as he slicks it into Kurt's hair.

"It is. And smells good too." Dave agreed as he lathers up the conditioner into Kurt's blond hair.

"What's the weirdest soap you've smelled?" Kurt asks as Dave scrubs the soap into the blonds hair.

"Hmm..." Dave hummed in thought.

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