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Currently the couple are watching a movie inside of their bedroom. Kurt is halfway sitting up in the bed.

Taking slow bites of his soup. Dave's arm wrapped around his boyfriend. "How's that, baby?" The drummer asks his frontman boyfriend.

Kurt started to blush as he replied. "Pretty good.."

"How about we run you a bath afterwards? The warm water should help clear you up." Dave offered as he lightly squeezed Kurt.

Kurt sighed. "Oh I don't know..." Dave hummed. "Oh c'mon, Kurty. Your hair needs a wash desperately."

Kurt sets his finished bowl of soup on the nightstand. He turned his head to look at Dave.

"Does it? Be honest." Kurt asks. Dave imediantly nodded his head. "Yeah, it's shiny and looks.. stringy." He hesitantly replied.

"Ah." Kurt rolled his eyes. Dave chuckled. "but not too worry! Davey will have it all cleaned in no time." He reassured.

"Well, alright fine." Kurt agreed as he ran a hand through it. It looked matted, greasy and shiny.

Dave smiled. He leaned in and kissed Kurt softly. Kurt quickly returned it and pulled back.

"Hey, I don't want you to get sick." Kurt reminded as he pouted a bit. Dave huffed. "But you deserve my kisses!"

"Yeah.. but I'm sick, honey." Kurt croaked out and sniffled. Dave held Kurt's face in his hands.

"You're cute. Even when you're sick." Dave complimented. Kurt timidly smiled. "You're an idiot.." he mumbled.

"Im an idiot?" Dave asks back dramatically. Kurt started to giggle and nod his head. "Uh-huh, but you're my idiot."

"Cute. Now, let's get you some PJs and get you into the bath." Dave says as he gets off the bed.

Kurt groaned softly as he gets himself up. He coughed and covered his mouth.

Dave takes out a pair of PJs for Kurt and holds them. "C'mon, follow me love."

Kurt gave a slight nod.

The couple walk to the bathroom.

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