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Currently, Dave tucked in Kurt back in bed. Feeling the frontman's temperature, he sighed.

"You do have a fever.." Dave mumbled. Kurt whined, "But im fine!" He denied again, and had a small coughing fit.

Dave shakes his head. He kissed Kurt's feverish forehead. "Nuh, uh baby. You stay in bed. I'll get you a cold washrag, water, aspirin and some soup to help you out. Ok?"

Kurt gave in. He sighed as he nodded his head weakly. His voice sounded obviously sick. "Mmmkay."

"Ok, I'll be right back." Dave muttered and exit the room. He went down the stairs.

First, the drummer got the bottle of aspirin, water and washrag. He carried them up the stairs.

Entering the room, Kurt is sitting halfway up in bed. Dave smiled as he went over to the shared large bed.

He hands Kurt the water bottle. "here." Dave says. Kurt grasps the bottle and undid the cap.

Taking a few sips, he watched as Dave opened the bottle of aspirin. The drummer handed the frontman a few painkillers.

Kurt moved the bottle out of his lips as he takes the medication. Downing it with the water.

He exhaled softly as he laid back down. Dave sets the cold washrag onto Kurt's forehead.

"How are you, babe?" Dave asked softly.

A small smile spreads across Kurt's face.

"Feeling better, thank you."

Sick Night - Kave Where stories live. Discover now