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Dave is in the kitchen making some chicken noodle soup for his boyfriend. Humming to himself, he puts the bowl into the microwave so it can heat up.

Currently he is on a phone call with the bassist, Krist Novoselic.

"Hi, you made sure to tell our producer for next week - right? Because Kurt thinks we have a show tonight." Dave asks into the phone.

"Uh- I thought we do have a show tonight?" Krist asked back in return. Dave groaned and lowered his head.

"Wh- no! It's supposed to be planned for next week. Look, Kurt isn't feeling well. He's sick with the flu or something. Call the team and cancel the show for tonight." Dave explained.

"Oh, well yeah I'll get on with that. Hope he feels better soon." Krist replied.

"Mhm. Have a goodnight, Krist." Dave replied as the microwave beeped in the background.

"You too." Krist muttered.

The phone call hanged up. Dave sets the landline back in it's spot. Running a hand through his dark brown hair, he heaved out a sigh.

"Damn it Krist." He muttered under his breath as he walked over to the kitchen microwave.

Opening the lid, he takes the hot steamy soup out. He hissed softly from the burning sensation of the plastic touching his finger tips.

"Ow, hot. Hot." Dave repeated as he sets it on the kitchen counter so it could cool.

He heard a sick voice from the top of the stairs.

"Davey!?" Kurt called as he coughed a bit. In the kitchen, Dave heard and peered his head up to the stairs.

"In a moment hon! Krist is canceling the show tonight and your soup is cooling down!" Dave replied.

Kurt lightly scoffed. "I thought we already cancelled it?" He coughed a bit and sniffled.

"Apparently Krist forgot! But he's cancelling last minute." Dave replied as he takes out a spoon from the silverware drawer.

"Oh.." Kurt cleared his throat. "I feel bad." Dave shakes his head as he picked up the bowl. It is cooled down.

"Don't feel bad, Kurt! It's alright. Sometimes we have to cancel plans. Think of it as a lazy day off." Dave replied sweetly as he carried the bowl of soup up the stairs.

Kurt sighed. "Whatever.."

"C'mon, baby. Let's get you back in bed and a movie on. Ok?" Dave says to cheer Kurt up.

Which worked. A little smile grows on Kurt's face as the two enter the shared bedroom.

"Ok." Kurt muttered shyly in return.

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