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"Does your hair smell still?" Kurt asks as he gets out of the tub. Dave laughed as he handed Kurt the towel.

"Hah, no babe. Least, not like wet dog." Dave replied as he turned around so Kurt can have privacy.

The blond finished drying himself as he asks, "What does your hair smell like now? Car grease and performance sweat?" He grinned.

Dave laughed. "Nope, but it did last week after touring out of state." He replied.

"Well, all of our hair was gross then." Kurt spoke back as he gets himself dressed in the PJs. "Done."

Dave turned around. "Cute! Did you know those jammies are mine?" He teased.

Kurt blushed. "I wondered why the sweater was a bit big.." he muttered. "I mean, I don't care. The more bulker I look, the better."

Dave sighed. He knows about Kurt's body issues. And that's exactly why he grabbed his own PJs for Kurt so they can be oversized.

"Well you're pretty." Dave complimented and hugged Kurt's waist from behind.

Kurt is looking at himself in the mirror. "you sure?" He asks as he coughed a bit.

"Of course I'm sure." Dave replied. The subject changed quickly when Kurt turned around to avoid the mirror.

Facing his boyfriend, Kurt asks - "what does your hair smell like now?"

Dave chuckled. "Cocoanut and Mint." Kurt gasps. "I wanna smell!" "My hair-?" Dave asks."Uh-huh!" Kurt grinned.

"You're cute, so I'll let that weirdness slide." Dave replied. Scooping up the blond in his arms.

"Hold onto me, I gotta drain the tub." Dave mumbled. Kurt nodded and wrapped his arms around Dave's neck.

Holding him like a sloth would do.

Dave carried Kurt and extended one arm and pulled the plug. Causing the tub water to drain and go away.

Carrying his boyfriend out of the bathroom.

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