Chapter 16

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    3rd Person POV

  As everyone was getting their chance to meet Y/n and talk to him, as well as each other. "Hey, let's all go to the play area and we can play tag or something?" Felix said, everyone agreeing with him and starting to move towards another side of the building. As they were all walking towards the way, Hyunjin and Sehun stayed close to Y/n, talking to him about different stuff. "So you guys worked on some art stuff together?" Sehun asked, smiling at the pictures Hyunjin was showing off. 

  "A little bit, we hung out after that and got to know each other, him, me, Changbin and Jisung." Y/n replied, answering their small questions. "

  While they were out hanging out, Jungkook and the rest of BTS were taking a rest from their long work session and routine practices. All of them breathing heavily with sweat dripping from the ends of their faces. "Jungkook, can I talk with you for a bit?" Their trainer asked, Jungkook walking over to where the trainer was getting a swig of water. "What's up hyung?" Jungkook asked, smiling. "What's happening today? You're oddly out of place, out of tempo and not executing the dances like you normally do. Did you not stretch enough before we started?" Jungkook felt a bit discouraged to here the statements he was hearing right now, but none the less tried to hide his feelings by keeping a smile on while answer, "Oh, I've just been happy most recently and my mind is in another place right now, but I'll be sure to focus more here." Jungkook replied, their trainer stating before he left, "Yeah, get your mind in the game, we're here and you can't be focused on other things like this." He said, before gathering the other's to continue their training. 

  And from there, Jungkook tried harder, disrupting his thoughts he was having of Y/n the entire time. Despite the anger it sent through him to not think of Y/n, he still none the less thought of Y/n. But more so to help motivate him to work harder and more efficiently. "That's it Jungkook, way better. See how much focusing goes? A little but goes a long way." Their dance coach said, patting Jungkook on his back before dismissing everyone from their training. "Good job Jungkook, glad to hear you're able to make progress." Namjoon said as he passed by. Jungkook smiled at himself, feeling good that he did better, and even got better in the hopes for performing perfectly for Y/n, some day. 

  Back with Y/n, both Baekhyun and Chan were sitting with Y/n, talking about different topics with the boy between the two as they were eating out with the whole group. "Sounds like Felix when he tries to do stuff like that." Chan said, laughing at the statement Baekhyun said before Mark joined in talking to Chan about something. As the two groups were conversing, they all ate and watched each other enjoy each other in the two groups presence. While Y/n was eating he got a notification from Jungkook saying he got off work early if they wanted to have a date night which Y/n smiled at and agreed to join. 

  "Was that you're lucky man?" Baekhyun asked, looking at Y/n and smiling at him. "Yeah, he got off work early and wants to have a date tonight, just the two of us so, I might have to leave earlier than I was anticipated." Y/n said, smiling at Baekhyun before Chan asked, "Who's the lucky guy?" While Hyunjin was sitting in front of the two talking, suddenly turning his attention to the new conversation on who Y/n's dating. "Oh, someone you guys might know but I don't know if I should say really, we're trying to keep it as private so no rumors go around."

  They all agreed and didn't press any further except for Baekhyun, smiling and laughing at his statement, "What do you mean? We all have rumors going around us all, it's not like they're all true, in fact majority aren't actually true so, whatever you say here we'll keep a secret. We all know how it feels for false information of us all to go around and everyone thinking differently of us." Baekhyun said, everyone around them agreeing except for Chan, "If you want then you can go ahead and tell us, don't feel pressured." He said with a gentle smile. 

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