Chapter 22

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     3rd Person POV

  Y/n's palms grew sweaty, always holding them hand in hand and from time to time rubbing his palms on his pants to wipe off the sweaty he didn't even realize he built up.

  He didn't know if he was ready to talk to his Dad, yet alone look at him face to face after the last time they saw each other, but now he had to face these types of situations and leave them in the past once he got them done and over with. Y/n got himself his favorite pastry, slowly nibbling on the small bites that he barely bit into out of nervousness. And there sat a coffee, dripping almost as much as Y/n was from his sweat.

  He looked out the window to see what was going on and distract himself but it all faded away when one particular vehicle pulled up and a certain figure walked up to the Cafe. He prepared himself, taking a deep breath in before he heard the door open and the bell sound the Cafe that someone entered. He waited for a bit before he heard someone sit infront of him. "Long time no see son." He heard the raspy voice.

  Though the voice was slightly altered from the last time he heard it, it still vaguely had that familiar sound of the father he used to know. "You wanted to meet me?" Y/n asked, trying his hardest to show any of the emotion he was truly feeling on the inside. The urge to dash out the room and leave back to his apartment and just cry be sure of how scared he was and most importantly, how vulnerable he felt. "Yes, I did. Thank you for meeting me." He said, before a waiter walked up and placed his coffee in front of him.

  "Y/n, please look at me." He nearly begged, but softly. Nothing turned Y/n's head, he just stayed the way he was and tried to hide everything the best he could. "I don't need to look at you in order for you to tell me whatever you had me come here for." Y/n said, bringing his drink to his lips and sipping some of his drink, hopefully trying to swallow down the nerves long enough for him to last however long this would last.

  "Thats fair, I deserve that." He said, taking a sip from his drink, before clearing his voice. "Listen, I brought you here to tell you how sorry I am." He started, nothing coming out of Y/n still. "I understand that your Mom is still planning on moving, I want yoy to know I'll help you guys pay off whatever you need when she finds a new home for you four, but I want to make this right. I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I shouldn't even be considered your Dad for ever putting my hands on you the way I did." He said, but only now Y/n looked at what he wanted to believe was his Dad, bit couldn't really.

  "Your sorry means nothing to me. What you did to me means nothing to me. I've chosen to move past that moment in my life and I'm not going to look back on it because I'm tired of living this victim life, I hate it. I had to live it when Jungkook hurt me, I had to live it when I was forced to see him again, I had to live it when there was no one to help take care of Mom except for me, and I'm tired of living it. Your sorry may have met something to you but it doesn't to me, not anymore." Y/n said before getting his stuff but pausing when his Dad said "Wait, let me explain myself." He said, desperate to let out how he felt before he was to lose his most precious possession.

  "You deserve more than that, but I don't want us to go our seperate ways like this, and I want to give you all what you deserve from me. Starting with this first." He said, Y/n taking a seat and saying "Explain."

  "Really, it started back in high school. The woman I was with, she was friends with your Mom back in high school. Us three used to be really good friends and hung out together, alot actually. But I started growing feelings for your mother. She was honestly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, besides my Mom, and I would've given everything to her, but she didn't reciprocate the same feelings for me. Which I completely understood, I did t want to do anything to her to force her feelings or anything, I just thought it probabaly wasn't meant to be."

Mending (Jeon Jungkook x M Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now