Chapter 18

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      3rd Person POV

  There Jungkook stood before himself, looking into a puddle beneath him. From a bridge, cars constantly passing by him, not caring who the mysterious person was standing there, looking at the very distant reflection of himself in the lake. 'Why did I do this?' Jungkook thought in his mind, thoughts constantly blistering throughout his 

  His tears mixed in the rain as it poured down on his figure. no sign of it stopping anytime soon. 

  He felt his phone ringing constantly, taking it out of his pocket and looking to see it was coming from Namjoon. "Hey." Jungkook simply said, no emotion left to come out of his hoarse throat. "Jungkook where are you? We're all looking for you all over the place and you haven't answered any of our calls or texts, where are you?" Namjoon sounded Jungkook's ears, almost as if he was supposed to be on a call but sounded more of a distant nature sound. "I-I, um, I'm here at a bridge thinking of some stuff right now." Jungkook said, stammering on his own words, looking back to his reflection. 

  "J-Jungkook, whatever you do, don't do anything, just tell me where you are and we can talk about this once we bring you back." Namjoon tried to reason with Jungkook, but he just laughed, "Doing nothing is exactly what I'm intending on doing." Jungkook said, closing his eyes before remembering back to the events that just happened before now. 


  "W-what's all this?" Y/n asked, looking at his apartment before walking up to Jungkook. "Well, tonight is going to be a very special night tonight for the both of us." Jungkook said, smiling before sitting Y/n down at the table. "It smells good." Y/n smiled, closing his eyes in satisfaction. While the two were eating, Y/n smiled at Jungkook, and Jungkook smiled at Y/n, the two content with the presence of each other. 

  "So, you were going to be moving back after the performance this week?" Y/n asked, looking at Jungkook, smiling at him. Jungkook shook his head, clearing his throat, "I was going to actually talk to you about that, I didn't mean to spring that out on you so suddenly, I'm sorry about that." Jungkook said, holding Y/n's hand in his and bringing it to his lips to plant a kiss on. 

  "It's okay, I just didn't want you to leave so suddenly, and I don't want to continue us from a distance, I want to be able to still be with you physically, and I want to hold you, and kiss you, and be able to be with you in this relationship, so if you have to go back, I will see if I can go out to see you as often as possible, or even try to find any jobs there to be with you." Y/n said, smiling at Jungkook, bringing Jungkook's hand in his to plant a kiss on his. 

  Jungkook smiled before tear began to well up in his eyes, bringing Jungkook back

  To reality where the rain continued to pour, only he was startled when a car honked at him from behind, "Get in!" He looked in the car to see someone he never thought he'd physically see ever again. Jackson Wang. Jungkook shook his head 'no', knowing how everyone would feel if they saw him together with Jackson at all, "I'm not here for anything for me, I'm here for Namjoon so get your ass in here or I will drag you by your foot in here." Jackson said, making Jungkook scared of his threat being a reality. Jungkook got in and Jackson drove off before anymore traffic could honk at him. 

Mending (Jeon Jungkook x M Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now