Harry gets seasick

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While in Australia the boys found they had some time to relax. They all decided to take a boat out on the water and go fishing and swim. They were all scattered around the deck enjoying they're time off. Liam and Niall were fishing, Louis was sound asleep on the floor and Harry was sitting back in a chair just relaxing. They had been out on the water for about an hour.

"This was a great idea," Liam said throwing his line back in the water.

"The water here is gorgeous it's so clear," Niall added. Harry had found himself feeling sick to his stomach. He closed his eyes and tried to take some deep breathes.

"Look at Louis," Liam chucked. "He hasn't moved from that stop since we got here." Louis was laying on the deck floor on his back sound asleep. Niall smiled mischievously and walked away. He came back with a bucket of water and stood over Louis.

"ALL HANDS ON DECK!" he yelled dumping the water on Louis. Louis shot up and looked around stunned while Niall was doubled over laughing. Liam chuckled and shook his head.

"You're so dead Horan!" Louis said jumping up. Niall took off running throwing his shirt off and diving into the water.

"Come get me!" Niall called from the water. Louis took off his shirt and jumped in after him. Harry groaned, the movement of the boat was making him feel worse. Liam looked over at Harry noticing something was wrong.

"Everything alright Hazza?" He asked reeling in his line. Harry shook his head.

"Feeling a bit ill," he said quietly.

"I'll get you some water," Liam said putting his fishing pole down. Harry closed his eyes trying to fight the sick feeling in his stomach. Liam came back with a bottle of water. "Here Haz, drink some water," he said handing him the water. Harry took the water and took a few sips. He immediately regretted it. He felt the water slosh around in his stomach causing him to gag a little. He slapped his hand to his mouth and swallowed the bile rising in his throat. "You alright?" Liam asked putting his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry took his hand away from his mouth and nodded. He was too afraid to speak fearing if he opened his mouth more than words would come out. "I'm gonna check to see if we have anything for seasickness, hang on." Liam walked away looking for something for his poor sick friend. Louis had climbed back on the boat and grabbed his towel to dry himself off. He looked at Harry and knew something was wrong.

"You alright mate?" Louis asked walking over to him. Harry shook his head feeling the bile rising in his throat again. He put his head down and tried to take a few deep breaths. Liam came back empty handed. "What's wrong with Harry?" Louis asked.

"He's feeling a bit ill. Think he's seasick," Liam explained putting his hand on Harry's back.

"Poor lad, you gonna be alright mate?" Louis asked. Harry didn't respond. The sick feeling in his stomach was completely overwhelming. He put his hand to him month and whimpered a little.

"Harry?" Liam asked rubbing Harry back. Harry's stomach lurched up causing him to throw up into his hand and on the floor. "Shit," Liam muttered to himself. He helped Harry stand and move to the side of the boat where he heaved again releasing his stomach into the water below. Louis not having the stomach for this had to walk away. Liam pulled back Harry's curly hair while he continued to bring up his lunch. "Nearly there Hazza," Liam said rubbing his back. Niall had reappeared on deck noticing the commotion.

"He ok Liam?" Niall asked.

"He's seasick," Liam explained.

"I'll get this cleaned up," Niall said running off to find something to clean the deck with.

"I think I'm done," Harry said looking back at Liam.

"You alright?" he asked.

"I still feel sick," Harry replied sadly. Liam turned around to see Niall cleaning up the deck where Harry was sick.

"Let's sit you back down. Just try to take it easy," Liam said leading Harry back over to sit down. Harry leaned back and shut his eyes.

"Poor lad," Niall said softly throwing the dirty towels in a trash bag.

"We'll just have to keep an eye on him," Liam said. Liam went back to fishing while Niall and Louis went back to swimming. Harry woke up feeling just as bad as before. He took a small sip of water which his stomach immediately rejected. He stood up quickly making it to the side of the boat throwing up nothing but water and stomach acid. "Aww Haz," Liam said putting his fishing pole down. He rubbed Harry's back as he heaved violently into the water. "Easy now, I think we should head in," Liam said. Harry nodded feeling bad that they were cutting their time short for him. He stood up and sat back down in the chair closing his eyes. Liam went over to where the boys where swimming. "Hey guys, Harry just threw up again. Think we should head in." The boys nodded and climbed back on the boat. They started in toward land which made Harry's stomach turn even more. He groaned and put his arm around his stomach fighting off the nausea as best he could.

"Doing alright Harry?" Niall asked. Harry groaned and shook his head.

"I found some ginger ale. Try to sip on this," Liam said handing Harry the drink. Harry took a few sips and his stomach immediately sent it back up. He rushed back over to the side of the boat bringing up the small amount of liquid he just had and more stomach acid.

"Poor guy," Niall said standing up to comfort him. Harry let out a small sob as he dry heaved over the side of the boat.

"Easy mate, we're almost back," Liam said rubbing his back. A few tears fell from Harry's eyes as he heaved again. They made it back on land and Harry was couldn't stand on his own. Liam picked him up putting him in the van followed by the other two. He grabbed a couple trash bags from the boat handing them to Harry before he got in the van. They headed back for the hotel so Harry could rest. Liam rubbed his back trying to comfort him. It was clear Harry was still feeling ill. The other boys looked at him sadly as they drove back to the hotel.

"Liam, I'm don't feel good," Harry whimpered.

"I know Haz, just hang in there a little while longer," he said softly. Harry's stomach had other ideas, seizing up causing Harry to gag into his hand. Liam quickly open up on the bags holding it open for Harry as he threw up nothing but stomach acid. Louis shoved his headphones in his ears trying to block out the sound of Harry's retching that filled the van. Niall leaned forward rubbing Harry's back trying to comfort his friend. They retched the hotel shortly after that. Liam picked up Harry and carried him to his room. He laid him down in bed and stood up. "Do you need anything?" he asked.

"Will you stay with me?" Harry asked sadly.

"Sure," Liam replied sitting down on the bed with Harry.

"Thanks for taking care of me," Harry said shutting his eyes.

"Of course, Hazza. Now get some sleep." Harry nodded and drifted off to sleep. He woke up feeling much better.

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