Larry food poising (part 2)

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Louis woke up the next morning around 8. Harry still shivered in bed and his face was pale. He carefully got out of bed and grabbed his cell phone. He called over to the studio and Paul answered.

"Hey Louis," Paul said.

"Hey, Harry's pretty sick. Think he got food poisoning after we went out last night. We're not gonna make it in today."

"Poor lad. Alright give him our best. Hope he feels better."

"Thanks Paul." Louis hung up the phone and went to the kitchen and popped some bread into the toaster for Harry. He poured himself some coffee and took a drink. He was so tired from taking care of Harry all night. When the toast popped up Louis grabbed it and put it on a plate and took it up to Harry. He walked into the bedroom quietly. "Haz," he said softly. Harry opened his eyes. "I made you some toast. You need to eat something." Harry nodded and sat up. Louis handed him the plate and Harry took a few bites. He ate a piece and pushed away the other. "How you feel?" Louis asked talking the plate.

"Sick," Harry muttered laying back down. Louis frowned and kissed his head. "I called us in. Get some rest." Harry nodded and closed his eyes. Louis took the plate back downstairs and sat down in front of the TV. He sighed and turned it on watching the highlight from the game the night before. His eyes got heavy and he dozed off for a while. A few hours later he shook himself awake and checked the time. It was almost noon. He stood up and walked upstairs. Harry was still sound asleep. He smiled as he walked over to him. He put his hand on Harry's head. He was warm but not too bad. Harry opened his eyes.

"Hey baby," Louis whispered. Harry smiled slightly. "How you feeling?"

"Bit better," Harry said softly.

"Wanna try to eat some soup?" Louis asked. Harry nodded. Louis kissed his head and walked downstairs. He made Harry a bowl of chicken noodle soup and took it up to him. Harry sat up and Louis handed him the bowl and sat down beside him. Harry ate about half of it and put the bowl down. He put his hand around his stomach. "You ok?" Louis asked putting his hand on his back. Harry shook his head. "Aww Harry," Louis said sadly. Harry gagged into his hand and Louis grabbed the trash can and held it for Harry. Harry gagged over it and his small lunch reappeared back in the bin. He coughed and gagged for several minutes. When he was finished he looked up at Louis.

"M'sorry, Lou," Harry said sadly.

"It's not your fault you're sick baby," Louis cooed.

"I know you don't like seeing it," Harry replied a bit embarrassed.

"I'm here for you," Louis said lifting his head with his hands. Harry smiled a little. "Lay down. I'll stay with you." Harry curled up in bed and Louis crawled in behind him, wrapping his arms around him. Harry moved his hands over his stomach. Louis took the hint and started rubbing circles on it. "That what you wanted?" Louis asked. Harry nodded. Louis massaged Harry's upset belly until he fell asleep. He looked over at the clock. It was about two in the afternoon. Louis got up and went downstairs. He checked his phone that was sitting on the coffee table and saw he had a text from Liam.

Liam: Hey, Harry ok?

Louis texted back

Louis: Not really.

He hit send and sighed. Not even two minutes later his phone rings. It's Liam. "Hello?"

"Hey, what's going on with Harry?" Liam asked sounding concerned.

"He's got food poisoning," Louis explained.

"Poor lad. You feeling alright?" Louis smiled. Liam the daddy, making sure everyone was ok.

"I'm fine it's just Harry," Louis told him.

"Do you need anything? Niall and I can be there in two minutes."

"I think we're ok. He's sleeping now."

"Call if you need anything, ok?"

"Alright daddy directioner," Louis teased.

"Shut up." Louis laughed.

"Seriously, I will though. If he gets worse."

"Good, tell him to take it easy."

"Will do, thanks Payno."

"No problem, bye Lou."

"Bye." Louis hung up the phone and smiled. He stayed downstairs until about five then went back up to check on Harry. He poked his head through the door and looked in. Harry opened his eyes and smiled at him. "Hey Hazza, you doing ok?" Louis asked coming in the room. Harry nodded.

"Yeah I'm alright," he replied.

"Wanna try to eat again?" Louis asked. Harry sat for a minute then nodded. Louis went down and grabbed some crackers and brought them back up to Harry. He sat down on the bed with him while Harry took a few out and popped them in his mouth. Harry ate a good handful of them before putting them down. "Feeling ok?" Louis asked.

"Yeah I'm ok," Harry said. Louis smiled and kissed his head.

"Glad you're feeling better," Louis smiled.

"Thanks for taking care of me," Harry smiled.

"Anything for you Haz," Louis said putting his arm around him.

"I love you."

"Love you too, Hazzy." Harry was feeling much better by morning and thanked Louis again for caring for him.

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