Liam and Niall food poisoning

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After a show one night the boys and I all went out to eat. We sat down at a nice sea food restaurant and had a nice dinner. Liam and Niall both order some dish with shrimp in it while the rest of us got something different. Both boys complained about a weird taste but that didn't stop them from eating it. After we were finished we headed back to the hotel and called it a night. Niall and I laid down in bed together slowly falling asleep. I had been asleep for a while before Niall woke me up.

"Y/N," he whispered. "Y/N, love," he shook me a little. I groaned and opened my eyes.

"What buddy?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Do you feel ok?" he asked sitting up in bed.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why, do not feel good?" I asked looking up at him. He shook his head.

"Dinner isn't agreeing with me," he said rubbing his stomach.

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up?" I asked sitting up. He shrugged.

"I'm a little queasy but I think I'm alright. Do you have any pepto?"

"Not sure, I'll check," I said getting up out of bed. I rummaged through my bag looking for something to calm Niall's stomach. To our disappointment I didn't have anything. "Sorry buddy it doesn't look like I do," I said walking back over to him putting my hand on his shoulder. "You gonna be alright?" I asked rubbing my hand down his back.

"I think so. Will you cuddle with me?" he asked looking up at me. I smiled.

"Course." I crawled back into bed and pulled him in close to me. "Let me know if you get worse," I said softly quickly getting tired again.

"Alright love," he replied. I fell asleep again shortly after that. I'm not sure how long I was asleep before Niall woke me up again. I felt him wiggle free from my grasp and sit up in bed.

"Nialler?" I groaned a little not quite awake. He whimpered. "You alright buddy?" I asked.

"I don't feel good," he mumbled. I sat up to look at him.

"Feeling worse?" I asked crawling over to sit beside him. I put my hand on his back. I could feel heat coming off of his body. "Niall," I started, putting my hand on his head which burned with a fever. "Babe you've got a fever." His body trembled a little. "You alright buddy?" I asked again putting my hand on his back. He shook his head.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up," he moaned putting his hand to his mouth.

"Let's get you up then," I said standing up offering him my hand. He took it and I helped him to the bathroom where he dropped down in front of the toilet. He groaned a little letting out a sickly burp. "It's alright bud," I said rubbing his back. His hands shook as he held the sides of the toilet. Then his body let out a painful retch as his dinner reappeared in the water. "That's it Niall," I reassured him. He continued to vomit until there was nothing left to bring up which left him dry heaving. He let out a little sob before looking back at me with tears in his eyes.

"It hurts love," he cried.

"I know buddy, I know," I sympathized still rubbing his back that was now soaked with sweat. He had stopped dry heaving but couldn't seem to catch his breath. "It's alright buddy it's ok. You're done now," I soothed trying to get him to relax. He groaned and feel back in my arms. "You alright?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I feel like shit," he replied.

"Lets get you back to bed," I said rubbing his arm. He nodded. I leaned up and flushed the toilet and helped him to his feet. I led him back to bed and laid him down. I lay behind him wrapping my arms around his body pulling him in close to me. His body shook from the fever and I rubbed his sour tummy trying to ease his discomfort. I drifted back to sleep with Niall in my arms before I was jolted awake by the sound of more retching. I opened my eye to find to my surprise Niall with still in bed with me. I sat up puzzled then realized it was Liam in the room next to us. "He had the same thing," I whispered to myself. I got out of bed and started towards the door.

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