Power outage

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This was a request I got a while back. I was asked to include Zayn so I did. Instead of writing five different updates I wrote all five storied and separated them by name. Hope you enjoy.


"Let's go Niall we're gonna be late!" Liam called to Niall. The other two boys had already left the hotel and were waiting on them. It had been storming all night and the rain hadn't stopped yet.

"I'm coming," Niall called back. He threw the rest of his things in his suitcase and zipped it up. He rolled his suitcase out the door and met Liam in the hallway.

"You ready?" Liam smiled. Niall nodded. Thunder cracked outside and both Niall and Liam looked at each other.

"It's really coming down out there, isn't it?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, it's getting nasty out there, best we get out of here quickly." They walked down to the elevator and get inside. Liam hit the button and they watched the doors close. "It's gonna be insane the next few days," Liam sighed.

"I know, they've got our schedules packed," Niall sighed rather annoyed.

"Right, at least after that we..." The elevator jolted to a stop. The lights flickered then went out. After a few seconds a dim emergency light came on.

"What's going on Liam?" Niall asked quickly.

"Dunno, maybe the power went out," Liam replied looking around. Niall's breathing started to pick up.

"We can't be stuck in here Liam. We can't be stuck in here. We've got to get out now!" Niall was frantic. He was pressing his hands on the walls of the elevator as if they we going to start closing in on him.

"Hey, hey it's alright. We'll get out of here don't worry Nialler," Liam told him calmly. Niall's face began to pale as his heavy breathing turned into hyperventilation.

"Liam I can't breathe." Liam pulled Niall into his chest and slowly sat them both down.

"You're ok Nialler, I've got you. I've got you, we're ok," Liam whispered to him. They could still hear the thunder outside. "The storm must have knocked out the power. They'll fix it soon," Liam said trying to reassure Niall.

"I need to get out of here," Niall whimpered. Liam put his hand on the back on Niall's head pulling him into his chest.

"We'll be ok Niall," Liam whispered. Thunder cracked outside and the elevator shook slightly.

"Oh God," Niall panicked. He pulled away from Liam and grabbed at his chest. "Liam, Liam everything is getting smaller." Niall was franticly looking around.

"Niall, take a deep breath. Listen to me buddy, match me." Liam started take deep breaths trying to calm Niall down.

"I feel sick," Niall mumbled.

"Niall we're going to be fine buddy. It won't be much longer." Liam rubbed circles on Niall's back. Niall's couldn't get his breathing under control. He was in a full panic.

"Liam I..." Niall couldn't say much more before throwing up down himself and on the floor.

"Shh, Ni it's alright." Liam helped Niall sit forward so he wasn't sick on himself again. "You're alright buddy." Liam comforted him until he stopped vomiting. Niall started to cry now completely overwhelmed with panic. Liam pulled Niall back into him and rubbed his back.

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