Louis Stomach Virus

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The boys ran from the stage to the bus and jumped inside. They had just finished their show and they were headed to the next city were they had a few days before the next show.

"That was sick lads," Niall exclaimed happily.

"The crowd was amazing," Harry added.

"Glad we get a few days to relax though," Niall replied leaning back on the couch.

"I don't think I'm going to leave the hotel," Liam said, laughing a little. Louis sat quietly. His head had begun to ache a bit but he brushed if off thinking it was the noise from the concert. "What about you Lou?" Liam asked, snapping Louis out of his trance.

"I'm going to sleep for the two days we have," Louis smiled.

"Same here bro," Niall agreed. Louis smiled and sat back. The boys stayed up for a few hours just talking until they all decide to get some sleep. They went back and crawled in their bunks saying their goodnights to everyone. Louis fell asleep quickly hoping the pain in his head would be gone by the time they reached the hotel. When they got to the hotel Louis didn't even wake up. The other boys scrambled around getting their bags and getting off the bus. Liam noticed that his friend was missing. He went to his bunk and pulled back the shade.

"Tommo," he said softly. Louis opened his eyes. "We're here bro." Louis nodded and slowly got out of his bunk. His head didn't hurt anymore but his stomach did and he was now sweating something terrible. Liam took note of this and became worried. "You alright Lou?" he asked looking his friend over.

"Course, just a bit tired. Need some more sleep," Louis replied. Liam nodded and waited for him to get his things around before leaving the bus. They walked into the hotel avoiding the paps and few fans that were waiting for them and walked up to theirs rooms.

"Alright Tommo, get some sleep," Liam instructed. Louis nodded and walked into his room. He dropped his suitcase on the floor and crawled into bed bringing his knees up to his stomach that had begun churning nauseatingly. He groaned a little and closed his eyes hoping to sleep it off. After what seemed like forever sleep finally found Louis.

Louis tossed in his sleep as his fever rose and caused him nightmares. He woke up with his clothes soaked in sweat. He threw the blankets off of him and got up to change his clothes. As soon as he stood the room spun. He grabbed the bed post to stabilize himself until he could walk again. When he regained composers he rustled through his bag looking for new clothes to put on. His stomach rumbled causing Louis to burp. That only seemed to upset his stomach more. He rubbed his stomach hoping to bring himself of comfort. He changed out of his sweaty clothes and into new ones. Before he could even get back in bed his stomach cramped painfully. Louis groaned in pain and a wave of nausea washed over him. He rushed to the bathroom dropping in front of the toilet before gagging over it. He coughed a little and gagged again spitting into the bowl. His stomach flipped around and seized up, jolting Louis's body forward and over the toilet where he retched and heaved violently over the bowl as his dinner reappeared before him. The smell was only making Louis gag more. Louis hated everything about being sick. He hated being sick, he hated watching others be sick. So the combination of throwing up himself and hating seeing that made him throw up more. When he finally calmed down he flushed away the mushy brown mess and made his way back to bed. He still felt dreadful and he didn't want to be alone. He looked at the clock and saw it was almost four in the morning. He didn't want to call any of the boys because he knew they would all be asleep. So he crawled back into bed and curled up in a ball. He was completely exhausted after throwing up so sleep found him easily.

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