Niall 'Lazy Weekend'

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You woke up Saturday morning and stretched your arms over your head. You rolled over and found that your boyfriend Niall was already up. You smiled to yourself and got out of bed. You and Niall had gone out Friday night and it was wonderful. You expected to find Niall downstairs making breakfast. When you walked down the stairs however you found Niall wrapped in a blanket shivering on the couch. Your heart stopped. You rushed to him and saw a thin layer of sweat on his brow as well as the sick bucket beside him. Had he been sick and not told you? You knelt down beside him and ran you hand down his arm.

"Nialler," you whispered. He opened his eyes which were red from lack of sleep and groaned a little. "Baby are you sick?" you asked feeling his head. He definitely had a fever. He nodded slightly. "Why didn't you wake me?" you asked running your fingers through his messy blonde hair.

"I didn't want to wake you. You were tired" His voice was raw and hoarse. You felt terrible.

"You should've gotten me up Niall," you cooed kissing his warm head.

"You're up now," he sighed happily letting his eyes close again.

"Did you throw up last night babe?" He shook his head.

"Thought I was going to," he explained with his eyes still closes.

"Do you think maybe it was the food last night?" He nodded.

"I started feeling a bit uneasy when we got home so I thought I'd just sleep it off. Then I woke up in a cold sweat and really nauseous. I came downstairs to get some water and I just stayed down here," he explained sadly.

"I'm sorry bud. I wish you had woken me up," you sighed. "Do you need anything?"

"Will you just lay here with me for a while?" he asked. Niall sat up and let you position yourself behind him so he could cuddle into you. You held him close which seemed to comfort him. It wasn't long before Niall started to shift uncomfortably.

"You alright Niall?" you asked. He groaned and sat up. You followed him putting your hand on his back. He coughed a little then put his head down in his hands. You felt so bad. He looked so weak and small. You hated seeing him like that. He put his hand on his stomach and started to rub it slowly. He hiccupped and groaned again.

"I feel sick Y/N," he whimpered. You instinctively reached down for the bucket and handed it to him. He hovered over it for a bit and closed his eyes. 

"It's alright baby," you whispered. You ran your fingers through his hair gently scratching his head with your nails. He hiccupped and gagged over bucket but he didn't bring anything up.

"I don't like this Y/N," he whined. He gagged again and coughed afterwards.

"I know buddy, it'll be over soon," you reassured his. His stomach made a gurgling noise before his body lurched forward over the bucket. He retched painfully as he coated the bucket with the nasty liquid. Your drew shapes on his back with your hand as he heaved and coughed bringing up all he had eaten the night before. "Almost done baby. You're doing great," you whispered. He gagged a few more times before his stomach relaxed.

"I think I'm done Y/N," he said softly. You took the bucket from his trembling hands.

"I'll be right back, lay down and catch your breath," you told him softly. He did as you told him, wrapping his arm around his still very sick stomach. You felt terrible for your sick boyfriend. He was rarely sick like this. You cleaned out the bucket and brought it back to him. He shivered on the couch from the fever. When he heard you he opened his eyes and lifted his arms for you like a child would. You positioned yourself behind him. You threw the blanket over both of you trying to warm Niall up.

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