Little sick Liam

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This was a request I got for Liam to be 14 years old and sick so in this stories the boys ages are Louis 24, Niall 22 and Harry 20 and I made them brothers. Hope you like it. 

(Liam's P.O.V.)

I woke up in the middle of the night with a burning throat and a sour stomach. I knew this couldn't be good. I took the water on the table beside my bed and slowly took a drink. I don't know what was worse, the way it burned going down my throat or the way it sloshed around in my stomach. I curled up in a ball, hugging my knees to my stomach. I tried to breathe through the pain but I couldn't seem to do it. I didn't want to wake up my brothers but I felt as though I had no other choice. I got out of bed and left my room, slowly making my way down the hall. I entered the second door down from mine which was Harry's room. He was the easiest to wake up. I stood by the side of his bed and gently shook him until his eyes opened.

"Liam? What are you doing up it late?" Harry sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked me over and saw I had my arm wrapped around my stomach. His face became serious as he moved closer to me. "You feeling ok Li?" he asked. I shook my hand. He swung his legs over the side of his bed and sat up. "Sit." He told me. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"My belly hurts," I explained. "And my throat." Harry put his arm around me and pulled me in closer to him.

"You feel warm," he sighed. "How bout I get you some medicine and take your temperature?"


"Ok, come with me buddy." Harry stood up and I followed him. He put his arm over my shoulder and led me into the bathroom. I sat down on the bathtub holding my stomach protectively as Harry searched through the cabinet for medicine. "Do you feel nauseous or does it just hurt?" Harry asked looking over his shoulder at me.

"I'm nauseous," I told him. He nodded slightly then pulled out two different bottles. First he took out two pills the filled up a paper cup with water before handing them to me.

"For your stomach," he told me. I put the pills in my mouth and swallowed them down with the water. Next he pulled out a bottle of purple liquid and sighed. "I know you don't like this but it'll help your throat." My throat hurt too much to argue. He poured out the "grape" flavored liquid into the cap before handing it to me. I don't know in what world this was grape flavored but it defiantly wasn't here. I braced myself and gulped down the disgusting medicine. I quickly placed my hand over my mouth as I gagged just from the taste. Harry rubbed my back making sure I got it down. "You good?"

"I think so."

"Alright, just one more thing." Harry pulled out the thermometer and gently stuck it in my ear. I waited for a moment before he took it out. "101.6 (38.6)," Harry sighed. "Not too high. Let's get you back in bed little brother." I stood up and followed him back to my room where he put me back in bed and covered me up.

"Will you stay with me for a while? Just till I'm asleep?" I asked

"Course I will." He laid down next to me and I cuddled into him for warmth. He wrapped his arms around me and started to rub my back. I closed my eyes feeling safe in his arms. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

(Niall's P.O.V.)

I walked downstairs expecting to find Liam and Harry at the table eating breakfast. Instead it was just Harry.

"Morning Hazza," I smiled sitting down next to him.

"Hey Nialler."

"Where's Liam?" 

"He's not feeling well at all. He woke me up last night with a sore throat and a stomachache. He has a fever as well. Was gonna bring him up some toast in a bit, see if I can't get him to eat."

"Poor kid," I sighed. Harry nodded.

"Hopefully he can kick it in a few days." Louis walked downstairs at that point and joined us.

"Morning lads. Where Liam?" he asked right away.

"Still in bed, he's not well," Harry explained.

"It's he alright? What's going on?"

"Sore throat and a stomachache. He woke me up last night." We ate together and talked for a while before we were interrupted. 

"Hazza," a small voice said. We all turned and looked a found a small weak Liam standing in the kitchen. He had his arm held against his stomach and it was clear he was not well.

"You ok Lili?" Harry cooed getting up to check on him. Louis and I followed kneeling down in front of the small boy. He had tears forming in his eyes as he shook his head.

"What's wrong Liam?" I asked pushing back the hair that was stuck to his sweaty face.

"I just got sick," he whimpered. Tears slide down his red cheeks.

"Liam," Harry sighed sadly. "Why didn't you call for one of us?" he asked.

"I didn't have time," Liam cried. "My throat hurts so bad." I pulled him into me and hugged him. He locked his hands behind my back as he cried.

"Let me go get you some more medicine," Harry told him.

"Let's go lay down," I said picking him up. I carried him to the couch and laid down with him. He cuddled into me burring his face in my chest. Louis had grabbed the sick bucket from the kitchen and brought it out to the living room.

"Here Lili, just in case," Louis whispered. Harry reappeared with more medicine and gave it to Liam. He took it was no hesitation then cuddled back into me.

"You want to just lay here with me for a while?" I asked. He nodded. "How bout we watch a movie. You can try to go back to sleep, how's that sound?"

"Can we watch Harry Potter?" he asked.

"Sure we can," I told him looking over to Louis. Louis took the hint and put in the first Harry Potter movie. I held him close to me until his breathing had evened out.

"Is he sleeping?" Harry whispered. I nodded.

"Poor kid really is sick," Louis sighed.

"I know, he doesn't normally act this way," I sighed rubbing his back. The other two sighed as well. We finished up the movie and Louis went ahead and put in the next one. Liam started to stir soon after that. He whimpered as his face twisted in pain.

"Niall," he whimpered.

"Yeah Li, you ok?" I asked. He shook his head and sat up.

"I feel sick." He breathed out placing the back of his hand to his mouth. I quickly picked up the sick bucket and held it for him just in time for him to start spewing into it. The other two boys gathered around him and comforted him as he choked and gagged.

"Doing great Li," Louis reassured him. When he finished I took the bucket and went to clean it. When I came back Liam had cuddled into Louis who rubbed his back and softly whispered in his ear. I set the bucket back down by the couch and took Louis's old spot. Louis held him until Liam was sleeping once again.

(No P.O.V.)

The boys all sat around with Liam all day. All he really wanted was his brothers close to him. He cuddled with each of them all day while the nursed him back to health, making sure he was drinking water and getting him to eat when he could. In a few days Liam was good as new.

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