Harry and Niall sick

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Paul and I ushered the boys back into the hotel trying to get through the large amount of fans that had gathered outside of the hotel.

"That show was sick!" Louis yelled jumping on Liam's back.

"Yeah that crowd was amazing," Harry replied.

"Louis get the fuck off me," Liam laughed trying to run. Harry ran up behind him and tackled them both to the ground.

"Boys what are we doing. Come on I'm trying to keep you in one piece," Paul sighed. He turned and looked at me pointed to the three boys lying on ground laughing.

"Ha, don't look at me they don't listen to me," I laughed. Paul walked over to them and picked up Harry and put him down. Harry responded by jumping on Paul's back. I couldn't help but laugh. The boys always got wound up after a show. I turned around to say something to Niall but saw he was sitting quietly in a chair. That wasn't like him. I walked over to him and he looked up at me. His eyes were dull, I assumed he was just tired. "Hey bud," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "You alright?" I asked a little worried.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "Just tired I guess."

"We'll get you guys upstairs. Well maybe," I said looking over at the other three still running around the lobby. I shook my head and smiled.

"I just need to go to sleep I think," he said softly. I stroked his hair. He leaned into my touch. I knew something wasn't right.

"Come on guys lets head upstairs," Paul said trying to get the others to follow him. Niall stood n up and grabbed my hand. I looked at him. His face was pale and he looked exhausted. I squeezed his hand as we walked toward Paul. The other boys ran towards the elevator. We stepped in and headed up to our floor. Niall still had ahold of my hand. The other boys were still hyped up after the show and Niall was very quiet.

"You alright Nialler?" Liam asked. Niall nodded but didn't say anything. Liam looked at me. I shrugged not knowing what to say. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Paul handed us all our keys.

"Alright guys get some rest. You've got the next few days off so take it easy," Paul said starting to walk away. The boys all went to their rooms and Niall and I walked into ours. He quickly changed and crawled into bed. I had stepped out into the hall to talk on the phone for a while. When I came back it looked like Niall was already sound asleep. I started to change when I heard Niall say my name.

"Y/N," he said softly.

"Yeah bud, what is it?" I said walking over to him.

"Will you cuddle with me for a while?" he asked shyly.

"Yeah of course," I started. "Are you alright Niall?" I asked rubbing his arm.

"Yeah, I just want you next to me."

"Alright bud." I crawled into bed and he wrapped his arms around me being the big spoon. I closed my eyes and listened to Niall breath. There was something comforting about being in his arms. I fell asleep shortly after that. Sometime later I was woken up to Niall's voice.

"Y/N," I heard him say. "Love, wake up." I groaned and rolled over to look at him.

"What's wrong buddy?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"I don't feel well?" he said sadly.

"What doesn't feel well bud?" I asked putting my hand on his head. It felt a little warm but I couldn't tell if it was a fever or not.

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