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This is not a request. Just a short story I threw together to try to break up the Niall/Harry stories I'm doing. If you have a prompt for one the other two let me know. I don't like doing too many of the same boys in a row and the next several requests I've picked are all Niall or Harry so give me some Louis or Liam's. Show the other boys some love too.

   Louis woke up to a shooting pain go across is abdomen. He groaned bringing his knees up to his stomach. He had gone to bed feeling ok. He looked at the clock next to his bed it read 7:34. That's earlier than he normally got up but given the pain he was feeling he wasn't sure he'd be going back to sleep. He didn't think any of the other boys would be up yet except maybe Liam. His whole body ached. This is not how he had hoped to spend their day off. He got up slowly making his way out of his room and downstairs. Liam's door was open so Louis knew he was downstairs. He found Liam in the kitchen making a fresh pot of tea.

       "Hey tommo you're up early," Liam smiled.

       "Not feeling very well actually," Louis explained. Liam raised an eyebrow and walked over to him.

       "What's going on?" Liam asked putting the back of his hand to Louis forehead feeling for a fever.

         "Stomach hurts. Just feel really achy," Louis told him. Liam nodded.

       "You're definitely warm. Do you feel nauseous at all?" Louis shook his head.

       "Just in pain." Liam nodded.

       "I can give you something for the pain. Why don't you go sit down I'll bring you some tea and some medicine," Liam offered.

       "That sounds good. Thanks Liam." Louis went to the living room sitting down on to couch. Pain shoot through his stomach causing him to wince in pain. He sat there quietly for a few minutes until Liam came in with the tea and medicine.

       "Here Lou, this will help," Liam told him setting everything down on the table. "You've probably just got a touch of the flu sorry it happened on our day off," Liam frowned. Louis nodded.

       "I'll survive it will be fine." Louis took his medicine and sipped on his tea. The two boys sat quietly for a while until Harry made his way downstairs.

        "Hey lads," Harry smiled going out to the kitchen.

       "Morning Haz," Liam called out to him. Harry got himself some tea and came back out to the front. Louis's stomach started to act up again. Pain shot through his abdomen and Louis groaned in pain putting his arm around his stomach. Harry looked him up and down.

        "What's up Lou?" Harry asked. Before he could respond Liam answered for him.

       "He's not feeling very well this morning," Liam explained. Louis nodded still fighting off the pain. Harry sat down next to Louis and Louis laid his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry put his arm around him letting Louis cuddle in close to him.

        "What's wrong Louis?" Harry asked sweetly.

        "Belly hurts," he told him. Harry ran his hand through Louis hair but stopped when he felt heat coming off his body. "Whoa," Harry muttered to himself. He pushed Louis hair back resting his hand on his forehead. "Liam he's hot," Harry told Liam. Liam nodded.

       "He was warm when I checked earlier." Louis groaned letting himself sink down so he could lay across Harry. His stomach had gone from straight pain to nausea.

       "I don't feel so good," Louis told them as the nausea quickly overtook him.

       "We know buddy. We'll get you fixed up," Harry told him. Louis sat up shaking his head. The nausea hit quickly and hard. He got up from the couch quickly making his way to the bathroom. The two other boys quickly got up to follow him. They found him knelt in front of the toilet gagging trying to get something up.

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