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Liam tossed in his sleep as his fever grew slowly. Restlessly he turned as dreams haunted him. Whimpering a little he turned on his side. It was enough to wake Louis who he was sharing the hotel room with that night. Louis sat up rubbing his eyes and looked over at Liam seeing him in distress. Liam normally slept like a rock. This was not normal for him. Louis sat up to get a better look at him trying to let his eyes adjust to the dark. Liam whimpered again and his whole body jolted. Louis got out of bed and went to Liam's side. He was surprised to see the layer of sweat that had formed on Liam's face.

"Oh no," Louis sighed heavily. He carefully pulled back Liam's blankets to find his whole body coated in sweat. He gently put his hand to Liam's head feeling heat almost before he touched him. "Damn it," he grumbled. This was not a good time for Liam to be sick. He was also worried because Liam never got sick.

Liam was always healthy as a horse. Louis could think of only a handful of times Liam had been feeling under the weather. Louis felt conflicted on what to do. He thought maybe he should wake Liam and try to get some medicine in him before the morning to try to fight it off. But he also wasn't sure waking him was the best option either.

Louis thought for a moment about their day ahead. They had two interviews as well as a live performance on T.V. He deceded it was probably best to get as much medicine in Liam as possible. He went to Liam's bag and shuffled around in it knowing he would have medicine with him. He didn't know all of Liam's symptoms yet so he just grabbed everything. He went back to his side before gently shaking Liam awake.

"Li, hey Payno wake up," he whispered. Liam groaned and reluctantly opened his eyes. As soon as he did Liam felt his stomach flip. His head pounded and his throat burned. His chest felt like he had an elephant sitting on top of him. He looked up at Louis wide eyed and Louis just sighed. "I know you're feeling like crap. I've got you some medicine."

"How'd you know?" Liam rasped out.

"You were groaning in your sleep. Then I felt your fever. Figured you needed some medicine quickly if you were gonna make it through today." Liam nodded.

"Yeah good thinking." His voice sounded like a 60-year-old smoker, which made sense because his throat felt like he had been gargling nails.

"What do you need? I just kind of grabbed everything," Louis explained holding up the bottles.

"My head is pounding and my throat is really sore. My stomach is in knots and my chest is in bits."

"Man, you're not in a good way," Louis sighed opening up different bottles and dumping out pills. He handed them to Liam and a glass of water and he swallowed them happily. "Sorry I woke you mate. I just wanted to get some meds in you."

"Probably for the best," Liam sighed lying back down.

"Hopefully it will work," Louis added getting back into his bed. Both boys found sleep easily again.

Getting up the next time was not easy. Liam was not feeling much better at all. He struggled to push past the throbbing behind his eyes, which did nothing for his nauseous stomach. Louis had given Liam some more medicine hoping to keep his symptoms at bay. The boys pilled onto the bus and set off toward their first interview. Liam went straight back to the bunks to lay down.

"Liam ok?" Niall asked.

"He's not feeling well at all," Louis explained. "He actually woke me up last night in his sleep. He was tossing and turning so much because he has a fever. He's not doing well." The two boys sighed.

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