BSM He's sick (Liam)

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He's 15

You're 17

You and your little brother were always pretty close. You guys got along great and you could tell him anything. One morning you come down for breakfast after getting ready for school and was surprised to see that your brother wasn't already up. You shrug it off pouring yourself a bowl of cereal and sitting at the table. Your mom comes into the kitchen and looks around.

"Where's Liam?" she asks grabbing herself a cup of coffee.

"I have no idea," you replied taking a bite of cereal. At that time Liam comes walking down the steps and sits at the table.

"There you are," your mother said. You look at him and notice he's a bit pale. "You gonna eat?" Your mother asks him.

"Not that hungry," he replies. You knew something was wrong then. So did your mom.

"You alright honey?" she asks.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just not hungry," he says sitting up in his chair. You look at your mother who sighs and nods.

"Alright, remember I'm going to be late tonight. I've got that big meeting. I left you some money for dinner but you guys are on your own," she tells you walking towards the door.

"No worries mom, I got this," you smile. Your mom rolls her eyes.

"That's what I'm afraid of," she chuckles. "Love you two, don't throw any wild parties tonight!"

"Well there goes all my plans," you reply. She points at you. You smile back at her.

"I'll see you guys tonight," she says walking out the door. You both say bye. After she's gone you turn to your brother.

"Ok spill it, what's wrong?"

"My stomach is a bit upset. But I have a big test today and I need to go to school," he explains.

"Are you going to be alright?" you ask him. He nods. "Alright, you ready then?" you ask standing up putting your bowl in the sink.

"Yeah," he says sadly. You put your hand on his head.

"Sure you're going to be ok?" you ask.

"I'll be fine," he says. You sigh and leave for school. When you get there you go over to meet your boyfriend Louis and other friends. You watch your brother walk slowly over to his friends and sit down.

"What's up love?" Louis asks putting his arm around you.

"Something up with Liam. I don't know, I'm just a little worried," you explain.

"I'm sure he'll be fine love," he tells you. You nod and turn your attention back to your friends. The bell rings and you head off to class, kissing Louis before you leave. You go through your first two classes with no problem. You go to walk into your third class and you are stopped by one of the secretaries.

"Ms. Payne," she says softly.


"You're brother Liam seems to have come down with something. He's sick in the nurse's office. We can't get ahold of your mother. Would you be willing to take him home?"

"Is he ok?" you asked feeling worried.

"He just needs some rest."

"Yeah of course I'll take him home. Thank you," you say before running off to the nurse's office. You walk in and find your brother laying on a cot. "Li," you say softly. He opens his eyes. "You wanna go home little brother?" you ask him. He nods. You two leave the school and he sits in your car. "I knew something was wrong with you," You said starting your car.

"I made it through my test through," he said putting his head on the window. You chuckle a little. You start driving home looking over at him occasionally. You get about halfway home before Liam starts to move around.

"Y/N," he whimpers.

"You alright?" you ask looking over at him.

"Can you stop?" he asks before putting his hand to his mouth. You pull over quickly and he jumps out. You get out and walk over to him as he starts expelling his stomach in the grass.

"Aww Li," you say while rubbing his back. When he's finished he looks up at you. "You ok?"

"I want to go home," he says softly. You help him back in the car and take him the rest of the way home. You go in and he lays down on the couch.

"You gonna be ok?" you ask him throwing a blanket over him. He nods. You start to walk away before he stops you.

"Y/N." You turn back to look at him. "I love you." You smile.

"Love you too little brother." He fell asleep shorty after that. You went back to school and finished out the day. You rushed home and spent the rest of the night caring for your brother.

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