Harry ear infection

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(Harry's P.O.V.)

When I woke up I immediately felt a sharp him in my ear. I had been ignoring it for a few days just hoping it would go away. Clearly it wasn't. I shook it off and got out of bed and got in the shower. I was taking Louis out for dinner tonight. We hadn't gone out for quite some time I wanted to spoil him a bit. I got out of the shower and started to dry myself off when the room started spinning. I grabbed the counter trying to keep myself stable until the dizziness passed. I blinked a few times when the room stopped spinning and looked at myself in the mirror.

"That was weird," I whispered to myself. I got dressed and walked downstairs looking for Louis. I found him sitting on the couch watching the football game. I walked up behind him and put and arms around him.

"Morning," he smiled warmly.

"Hey handsome." I kissed his cheek and sat down next to him.

"How you doing this morning?" Louis asked shooting me a smile.

"I'm great as long as I'm with you." His cheeks turned red as he smiled. "You hungry? I'll make something for breakfast," I suggested.

"Sure, sounds great."

"Start thinking about where you want to go tonight, alright?" He nodded. I got up from the couch and the room spun again. I grabbed the couch causing Louis to look over at me.

"Alright Hazza?" He ask putting his hand on mine.

"Yeah, just got a bit dizzy. I'm alright." I stabled myself and walked out to the kitchen and started to make some eggs for Louis and I. I felt the same sharp pain in my ear I had been feeling followed by a loud ringing. I yelped a little in pain and put my hand over my ear until the ringing stopped. Maybe I should say something to Louis. I thought to myself. I shook the thought out of my mind. When breakfast was ready I called Louis out and handing him a plate.

"Smells great Hazza," he smiled. We sat down at the table and started eating. Louis was talking about something Niall had said the other day when my ear started ringing again. I groaned in pain putting my hand back to my ear.

"Harry?" Louis's voice was a distorted. It sounded like he was far away or I was under water. "You alright Harry?" I nodded trying to ignore the ringing.

"You were saying something about Niall?" I changed the subject away from me. Louis started laughing just thinking about what Niall had said. I didn't know what was going on. I remembered getting ear infections when I was a kid but that was a long time ago. Surely that wasn't what was going on. We finished breakfast and I took Louis and I's plates and started to wash them.

"You sure you're alright Harry?" Louis asked putting his arm around my waist. "You seem a bit off." Should I say something? I thought.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me," I lied. He kissed my cheek and went back to the living room and sat down. I sighed. I shouldn't have lied to him but I really didn't want him to worry about me. I wanted this day to be a good day for both of us. I realized later that wasn't going to be the case, and I should've told him earlier.

Louis and I spent the rest of the day together doing whatever sounded like fun. Louis had decided that he wanted to go to this little Italian place that we both loved for dinner. I took him to the park we use to go to when we were younger and we walked around admiring the beautiful day. Well Louis admired the day. The pain in my ear was steadily getting worse. Every time I would stand up I would get dizzy. Louis was starting to pick up that something was wrong. We were walking through the park when Louis took my hand and stopped walking. I looked over at him.

"Did you hear me Haz?" He asked. I must have been daydreaming.

"No I'm sorry, what did you say?" My ear started ringing again and I couldn't understand what Louis was saying. "I'm sorry Lou, what was that one more time?" I asked.

"I said should we head to the restaurant now?" I looked at my watch and saw it was almost five.

"Yeah we should head that way." I started to walk back but Louis stopped me.

"Hey, what's going on? Something isn't right."

"I'm fine Louis," I lied forcing a smile.

"Don't lie to me Harry Styles. What's going on?" I sighed.

"I've been having this pain in my ear," I started. "It started a few days ago. I've been ignoring it hoping it would just go away. This morning I started getting dizzy for no reason. Now there's this ringing in my ear and I'm having a hard time hearing." Louis looked me over before saying anything.

"Did you have ear infections often as a kid?" He asked. I nodded.

"Why don't I make you a doctor's appointment for tomorrow?" I sighed and agreed. We went to dinner and went home quickly. Louis was worried about my ear. He took me to the doctor the next day where they told me that I had a middle ear infection and that it wasn't uncommon of adults to get them if they were prone to them as a child. The doctor give me some drops for me ear and medicine to get rid of the infection. Louis was driving home when I spoke up.

"I'm sorry I lied to you Louis." He looked over at me. "I should've told you. I just wanted us to have a good time. I didn't want you worrying about me." He took my hand and I looked over at him. He was smiling a little.

"I love you Harry." I chuckled at little.

"I love you too Louis." After a few days of the drops and the medicine I was feeling much better.


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