Waking Up

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Chaz POV
It was around 7 in the morning I was in my apartment but when I woke up I fell somthing around my waist. I opened my eyes fully and look down to see the best person in hell Striker. I remember now Striker came to vist after a job he was doing he lookedtired when he came to me I was expecting him to just go to bed but when he came he just pulled me down and kissed me I pushed him away while this was happening he was too tired to just do anything "Striker we can wait your tired." I crouched down to be eye to eye to Striker. He looked at me tired as hell and just nodded "I don't mind kissing but you need rest after a job" Striker put his arms around me I picked him up and carrying him to the bed as he rested his head on my shoulder. I went onto the bed and layed down with Striker still in my arms. I leaned down to face Striker and leaned into a kiss he kissed back. When we parted he layed his head back on chest before I could tell him goodnight he was already fast asleep. He looked so cute like this and I hugged him tighter and I feel asleep.
Back in the morning
I started to remove my arms around Striker trying not to wake him up. Getting off the bed and going to the kitchen making some coffee waiting for Striker to wake up. When I hear a door opening I put another cup on the table seeing Striker coming in the kitchen "Morning Snaky" I said looking at him he sat down next to me laying his head on my shoulder "mornin" Striker said picking up the cup full of coffee "I made how you like it. How did you sleep?" He took a sip from the coffee not caring how hot it is "Alright I was wonderin where ya went" he said looking up at me "Well I didn't want to wake you so I left you too sleep" I put a hand on his cheek cupping his face "woulda slept long if you was there" he said looking up at me with a smirk. I started to lean in kissing his lips bitting his lip we pulled away hives g him a smile while he covered hi mouth "I'll make sure to stay next time"

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