Beach Day

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Summary: Verasika, Chaz, Fizarolli, and Striker gose to the beach and they start playing truth or dare before they leave.
Chaz pov:
All of us finally arrived at the beach when we all got out of the car I see Striker getting out and he did not look happy probably because it was him and Fiz in the back or maybe he dose not like the beach that much.
"Let's go bitches and have fun" Verasika said as she started walking on the sand and Fiz was just running around as me and Striker was just looking at them both. Striker started to walk away from me and sitting a chair starting to relax as I ran twords Verasika and Fizz In the water well not Fizz tho kinda for reasons. "Is he really not coming in" Verasika said while pointing at Striker in a angry tone.
"Yeah you know he can't deal with the water" I said while I was just chilling in the water next thing I knew I hear Verasika.
"Fizz no leave him alone" she yalls as I turned my head towrds Fizz and Striker.
"Let him go Fi-" before I could finnish my sentence he threw Striker twords me and thank Satan I caught him I was in waist high water so it was low for him so I just held his waist making sure he will be okay.
"FIZAROLLI YOU ASS HOLE YOU KNOW I CANT SWIM!" Striker yelled as Fizz was starting to laugh.
"OOOOOH lil snake boy can't handle water HAHAHA" Fizz yelled as he pointing twords me and Striker.
"ILL DRAG YOUR ASS IN HERE MY SELF YOU PICE OF METAL JUNK!!" Striker yelled he barley curses unless he was pissed but as you can tell he is.
"Striker chill I got you your fine" that didn't make him feel better it just made it worse but he started to lay his head on my chest as we moved with the water.
"Ooooh the love birds are in the water together. That's new" Verasika said I bet you she wished she had her phone with her. "Come on Chaz let's go further" Verasika said again as I looked a Striker then at Verasika.
"You okay with that?" Striker just gave me a shocked expression the nodded. U started to go further out with Verasika and had Striker in my arms he was holding on to me tight not wanting to let go and Verasika started to laugh at him.
25 minutes later
We all started to get out of the and Striker started to let go of me and walk to where he was sitting before trying to dry off.
"Oh my Satan I just had the bed idea" Verasika said as she was drying off and we all looked at her confused.
"Let's play truth or dare before we leave" she said as I was drying off.
"I'm down let's play" I said sitting next to Striker making a circle.
"Since I made the idea I will go first. Verasika said as she was thinking.
"Chaz truth or dare?" She while said while pointing at me.
"Truth" I saidi wanted to play it safe because of well its Verasika.
"Is it ture that you love Striker more than millie or moxxie" she said as Striker looked away from me as I pulled him into hug.
"Well ofcourse I love him more than anyone" I knew Striker was thinking that I would say no I still cared about Millie and Moxxie but I proved him wrong. I looked at him an he just did a small smile.
"Awww how sweet" Verasika said smiling and cupping g her own face.
"Fine. Fizz truth or dare" I said smiling and letting go of Striker giving him some space.
"DARE!!!" Fizz yelled I wanted him to do something crazy.
"I dare you to run down the beach and not touch the water" before I could finnish it was like he was gone and came back in a instant.
"Turth I don't trust you with this type of thing" I started to laugh because it was honestly true.
"IS IT TURE THAT YOU LOVED BLITZO?" He said as Verasika was shocked at the question
"I did he was nice at first then he decided to-"
"We get it we heard that story atleast 20 times" I said rolling my eyes.
"Fine. Chaz truth or dare" I decided to spice things up.
"I choose dare" I'm about to regret every decision I ever made because Verasika started to smirk at me.
"I dare you to make out with Striker" she started to laugh at me and I started to blush I look down at Striker an he was just shocked he started to get up and walk ywords the car.
"Striker your apart of this too get back here" Verasika yelled as I was getting up
"Come here snake boy" I said while running twords him and he started to run aswell.
"Get away from me!" Striker yelled as I was getting closer to him as I was close enough I grabbed him tail pulling him closer to me closing our lips together pulling him closer to me but then I started to pull away makeing him push me away slightly to get some space.
"Alright let's get back home" I smiled as I held Strikers hand walking to the car ready leave. That was a good beach day I need to teach Striker how to swim so he doesn't have to be paranoid.

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