Water Ain't My Thing

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Chaz finally relised how Striker doesn't like deep or huge body's of water and Chaz tries to help him out.

Chaz Pov
Me and Striker was having some free time since he didn't have any work ornothing I thought today could be a me and him day.
"You excited?" I said taking Strikers hand and bringing him to this really deep pond with a few rocks around it.
"I'm just wonderin why you dragged me here" Striker said trying too pull away from my grip.
"Oh come on it ain't going to be that bad" I said finally letting go of his arm and taking of my shirt, pants, and shoes and jumping in the water.
"You have fun I'll just stay right here" he said sitting on a rock crossing his legs smiling lightly.
"Here I'll help you" I said putting my arms out twords him.
"What no!?" He said backingup a little.
"Fine can I atleast have a kiss" I said coming closer to him standing up a little.
He started to lean twords me with his eyes closed I started kissing him grabbing one of his arms pulling him closer and pulling him in the water.
He fell in the and I stated laughing like crazy waiting for Striker to come back up.
"Babe? Babe?" I looked down and I saw him on the same ground and not moving.
"BABE!" I yelled going under the water grabbing his arm then putting my arms around his waist and swimming up to yhe surface.
"Babe you okay!?" I slaped his face lightly trying to get him up.
I see him starting to breath and waking up I pulled him closer to me.
"You okay!?" I said keeping him in my making sure he doesn't under the water again.
"Yeah but. WTF!" he said looking pissed off at me but he put his arms around my neck to be secure with me.
"Okay I'm sorry I didn't know you couldn't swim" I said swimming twords a rock to set him down the water only went to his stomach so he sound be okay.
"Well you got me in now" I see how his clothes was completely wet.
"Here let's take these off so they can dry" I said unbottoning his shirt while also taking off and putting it on top or a dry rock and I start to take off his boots and undoing his pants.
"Ah no nope" he trying to push my hands away.
"I can do it myself thank ya" he said with a hint of embarrassment hlin his voice.
"Okay here I'll turn around" I turned around and I start hearing moving of water little drops coming down hitting the water again I turn around and he had his back facing me and putting his clothes on the dry rock I turn back around wanting for him to give a go ahead.
"Alright your good" he said I turned back around to face him and went twords him again.
"See this ain't that bad now is it?" I said putting both my hands on both of his sides.
"Yeah it's fine" he said just looking down at the water not facing me.
I took on of my hands of his hip and put my handon his cheek motioning his head to look up at me his face was red and was full of embarrassment I started to lean in towards him I feel his hands on my shoulds as we were inches closer to each other's faces and I connected our lips with each other pulling him closer and moving the hand that was on his cheek to his hair.
He wrapped his tail with mine as I started to pull away.
"You better now" I guess he didn't want to respond because all he did was nod.
"Okay I'm gl-" without me noticing he pulled me into another kiss wrapping his arms around my neck.
We started to pull away from each other.
"Your clothes should be dried by now come on" he was about to get up off the rock but he almost slipped so I started to pick him up in my arms and going to the grass.
"Hm your shirt is still wet but everything else is fine." He just gave me a shocked expression.
"I'm not going around in public shirtless" hesaid while putting on his pants and boots back on himself.
"I didn't say that now" I said as he look led straight up at me.
"Oh no the hell you are no-" I put my hand in front of his mouth as I went to go grab my jacket.
"Here this should be good" I said putting it on him and buttoning and zipping it up it was kinda too big on him.
"Really... " he said awhile picking up his wet clothes and I was getting on my own.
When I was done Striker was about to walk away but I decided to carry him.
"I have legs that work ya know" he said looking at me.
"I know but you look silly cute in my jacket you should keep it on more often" I said putting my forhead on his.
"When we get home we can lay down a little bit but please keep it on for me" I said in a pouty tone all he did was roll his eyes.
"Fine I'll keep it on" my face lit up with exciting.
"Yes thank you babe" I said as he layed his head on my chest and I started to walk us back home. HOW IS THIS MAN SO LIGHT!?

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