He's Short But Cute

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Chaz Pov
It was two in the afternoon watching TV I got bored and got up going to the kitchen seeing Striker washing dishes I guess he needed somthing to do or just keeping things clean. I started sneaking up behind him quickly wrapping my arms around.
"Danmit Chaz you scared me" Striker said turning his head twords me.
"Sorry thought you needed a hug" I gave a smirk twords and he did a small smile.
"Alrigh what do you need?" He said continuing to wash dishes.
"Nothing can't I just give you some attention?" I said hugging him tighter.
"Fine you can stay but Verasika said that she's coming along with Fizarolli"
"Then we should get too it" I let go of Striker going beside him helping him out to make it go faster.
I hear a knock on the door I dried my hands going to the door opening I up.
"Hey Chaz long time no see" Verasika said letting her coming in along with Fizarolli.
"W-WHERE IS ST-RIKER" Fizarolli said looking around.
"He's in the kitchen" I said pointing twords the kitchen.
"OH he's right there" Verasika said pointing beside me
I turned to my side and looked down and jumped "Ah hey"
"Howdy guys how ya been" he put his hand out to shake Verasikas hand to welcome them both.
"Doing good but I think you scared Chaz" she pointed twords me.
"W-WELL HES SHORT Y-OU CAN BARLEY S-SEE HIM" Fizarolli said looking g at Striker.
"Really." Striker said with his hands out.
I tried my best not to laugh along with Verasika its funny and try but Striker just kept on denying it.
"I'm not that short" he said just giving Fizz a smile filled with rage.
I decided to go behind him again and wrap my arms around him. "Chaz what are you doing!?"
Striker said freaked out due to the sudden gesture I lifted him up by his waist.
"There is no need to deny it." I said lifting him up more while he starts kicking his legs.
"Let me go!" He said as he kept on struggling.
"We are going to go ahead and go I have a concert soon and I'm sure Fizz has somthing to do" Verasika said as she opened the door
"Alright see yall soon then" I gave a smile as I put Striker down he started to blush a little as I let go of his waist.
"Sorry hun it's just that your cute when I pick you up" I said as he turned twords me.
"Yes but you just proved there point" he kept on blushing due to embarrassment.
"Yeah but you know I love you" I said kissing his head while giving him a smile.
"Yeah" he kept blushing I pulled him twords me and putting my arm around his waist lifting him up gently wrapping his legs around my waist.
"Is this better?" He just nodded putting his face in the crook of my neck.
"You might be short but you are also cute" I smiled at him as he kept hiding his face.
"Please stop" Striker said ad he lifted his face so I can see it.
He was so cute why am I so lucky I brought him to the bed room kissing him on the lips as I was walking to the room.
"Okay quit" he's aid covering his mouth but I kept kissing him all over his face.
"How can I quit when your just so adorable" I layed him down on the bed I kept kissing him he kept moving his head to try and make me miss.
"Quit" he said pushing my face away I cupped his cheeks and kissed him on his lips over due time he kissed back I bit his lip opening his mouth kissing him more we pulled away and he started to breath heavily catching breath.
"Okay we can stop but we ain't doing any
anything today" I said getting off of him and laying side him he wrap his arms around me ad I smiled.
"I love ya Chaz" Striker said laying his head on my chest.
"I love you too Striker"

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