Stop Making A Scene

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Summary: Chaz starts to get pissed of at everyone in traffic because traffic was so slow and Striker had an idea to keep Chaz calm and get time go by faster.
Warning: cursing, smut, kinks

Chaz pov
I was just sitting in a traffic jam because I had to pick up Striker from a job I dint what him to walk by himself so I told him I would pick him up. It's a good thing Blitz let me leave early to pick him up but the traffic was bad when we were on our why home. "Ugh why are all these assholes out" I fave palmer myself Striker could tell I was pissed off because he took off his hat.
"Come on people move" Striker looked at me confused.
"Hun calm down I'm sure it will calm down soon" I looked at Striker but I didn't listen because someone was yelling behind me.
"Come on move it !" The guy behind me yelled I went out the window to yel at him back.
"Dose it look like I can move up you fucking asshole!" I yelled.
Striker pov
I look over to see Chaz about to fall out of the window I gave out a sigh looking back at Chaz then I had an idea. I reached over and started to undo his jacket and then unbottoning his pants and stating to let out his dick out of his pants some how he didn't notice until I started to lick up the base then he went too sit back down and grab my face.
"What are you doing!?" He said as I start to lick his hand.
"Ya keep trying to jump out the window how am I going to keep you in your seat?" I said looking up at him.
Chaz pov
Striker went back down on my dick using his toung tl wrap around it but he didn't put it fully in his mouth I rolled up the window back up and he put the tip of my dick in his mouth.
"Fuck Striker" I said squeezing the wheel with one of my hands. While he took it in fully in his mouth and starting to bob his head in a slow and steady pace.
"Damit how are you so good" I said taking off of my hands off the wheel and put it in his hair and started pulling it slightly making him moan a little. The vibrations made it harder for me but he started to bob his head faster as I start to groan in pleasure.
"You keep it up I'm not gonna last long" I said gripping his hair harder. Next thing I knew I accidentally came in his mouth and I felt him swallow everything and I felt him undo his toung and lift his head back up with sliva that was connecting his mouth with my dick.
"I always forget how good you are at that" I said smiling as he locked his lips.
"I would of done better if we weren't in a car" he said and I started to blush and grin because I knew where he was coming from.
"Just wait till we get home Striker" I said as I kissed him and the traffic started to move up more. More quicker then I thought but I looked at Striker and he wad blushing and smiling at me.
We finally arrived home and I did not hesitate to drag Striker ourof the car and went to the front door going inside and closing the door behind me and pinning his to the walk starting to kiss me taking off his hat and jacket bitting his bottom lip he denied my entry by smiling and denying me as I picked him up by his legs keep on pinning him to the wall and roughly kissing him. I walked to the bed room putting him on the bed but before I could get ontop of him he pinned me on the bed he got on top of me and sitting on my stomach.
"Not today Sharky I'll be leading today" he said with a smile and his tail gave a rattle. He started to undo my and his pants and taking them both off along with my boxers I let him do his thing and I started to take off his boxers putting a finger on the rim of his ass he moaned trying to get in the mood he knows how too and he always achieves. He leaned down to my ear and he started to moan again and it started to get me to blush .
"You are trying tonight aren't you" I said giving him a big grin.
"I don't know what your talking about" he said putting his hands on my chest and I put mine on his hips. Moving his hips forward and thrusting mine up he didn't a muffled moans because he put his hand over his mouth. What took me by surprise because he started position him self and my dick then he started to go down on my tip.
"Striker what the fuck are you doin!?" I said grabbing his sides then he just smiled at me.
"Thought you liked it rough" he said as he started to donw down fully on my dick. I let out a groun as Striker started bouncing in a slow pace.
"Fuck Striker " I said keeping on hand oh his hip and the other squeezing his thigh and he started bouncing up and down on my dick harder every time he went down.
"Striker stop or you gonna make me. Fuck" I said gritting my teeth he kept covering his mouth but I took ahold of his hands and bring them down and I started to hear him moan like a mess.
"Striker fu-" I said as I was close to my point and as we both released as he did on my chest.
"S-sorry" I said because I didn't give him a warning.
"I-its fine just hurts now" he said as I took ahold of his hips lifting him up and pulled out of him. He layed down on my chest and I planted my lips on his and getting off the bed as I picked him up going to the bathroom.
"Why do you always push your self" I said as I sat him down on the sink and kissed him gently.
"Just wanted to make you satisfied" he said with a grin and I started to wet a small towel.
"I would be if you would stop hurting yourself" he just smiled and kissed me as I started wiping the both of us down with the wet wash cloth and I picked him up again laying him on the bed then wentto grab myself and him some clothes he usually like to sleep in my clothes so I gavehim on of my shirts and grabbed him a clean pair of boxers andi put on boxers and a pair of sweat pants I was about to turn around to see Striker already dressed and laying down under the covers.
"Tired?" I said with messing with oneof his horns.
"Yeah but I'll be alright I don't have a job tomorrow" I layed down next to him letting him lay on oneof my arms and putting the other on him hip as he started to wrap him arms around me.
"Okay but take it easy tomorrow" I said as he started closing his eyes.
"Love ya" he said pulling himself closer to me.
"Love you too" I said while kissing his forehead then falling asleep.

Note: let me know if I should do a part two

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